No thumbnail
Joined: 2002-08-20
Posts: 23 |
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All photos have thumbnails created, they show up in the ablum folder A-OK. The album pages shows "no thumbnail" with a link to the larger images. the underlying code shows the filename ok but the .jpg extension missing. I'm able to add photos, small photos have the thumbnail show up. Photos over ~500kb show "no thumbnail". All photos have thumbnails created, they show up in the ablum folder A-OK. The album pages shows "no thumbnail" with a link to the larger images. the underlying code shows the filename ok but the .jpg extension missing. [url removed] [url removed] Flash Larry 'Flash' Alexander Real Life Has No Reset Button |
Posts: 6818
Hello Larry,
i can not view your phpinfo as its protected.
You also modified your Gallery a lot and you are using invalid HTML.
Its hard to say what the problem is.
Gallery Developer
Posts: 23
OMG - Sorry 'bout that:
Larry 'Flash' Alexander
Real Life Has No Reset Button
Posts: 6818
Hi Larry,
i see some pictures in your Gallery are bigger than 500KiB?
So it worked in the past?
From your phpinfo i see that you should be able to upload files up to 8MB.
But the empty "upload_tmp_dir" could indeed be a problem.
Gallery Developer
Posts: 23
Interesting, even with "upload_tmp_dir" bing blank I can upload large images (and small) images and thumbnails are created; show up in my album folders.
Dillon Lake shows "no thumbnail".
I recently upgraded from Gallery 1.5.x as it was not accepting any images. At least now the gallery is uploading images and resizing successfully.
Larry 'Flash' Alexander
Real Life Has No Reset Button
Posts: 6818
Did you stop and restart the webserver?
Please enable debugging in Gallery and upload a bigger photo via the form method.
Post the output here.
Gallery Developer
Posts: 23
Didn't know there was a level 3, wow, what a bunch of code:
Album.php::899 -> Getting highlight of album with name: 293-Drake
Album.php::899 -> Getting highlight of album with name: 293-Drake
User.php::213 -> User admin can write to album '293-Drake'
User.php::213 -> User admin can write to album '293-Drake'
User.php::213 -> User admin can write to album '293-Drake'
Album.php::899 -> Getting highlight of album with name: SanSimeonProperty
Album.php::899 -> Getting highlight of album with name: SanSimeonProperty
User.php::213 -> User admin can write to album 'SanSimeonProperty'
User.php::213 -> User admin can write to album 'SanSimeonProperty'
User.php::213 -> User admin can write to album 'SanSimeonProperty'
save_photos.php::388 -> Now we start processing the given Files. (If they were given)
Processing 1 element.
albumItem.php::517 -> Entering function: 'processNewImage'
albumItem.php::519 -> Processing file: /tmp/phpORD1Ex
albumItem.php::677 -> Start processing single file (image/movie not archive).
albumItem.php::680 -> Extension is accepted.
albumItem.php::682 -> Filename processing.
albumItem.php::731 -> No caption given, generating it.
albumItem.php::467 -> Generated caption. Type: filename
Adding Kelp Boy.jpg
Album.php::1413 -> Doing the naming of the physical file.
Album.php::1451 -> Image preprocessing
Album.php::1456 -> Resizing/compressing original file
imageManipulation.php::37 -> Resizing Image: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg.
filesystem.php::109 -> extension of file Kelp_Boy.jpg is jpg
util.php::235 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg
util.php::245 -> Dimensions: x: 1280 y: 1024
imageManipulation.php::73 -> No resizing required.
imageManipulation.php::676 -> File /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg type 2.
util.php::235 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg
util.php::245 -> Dimensions: x: 1280 y: 1024
AlbumItem.php::731 -> Generating thumbnail.
AlbumItem.php::756 -> Saved Dimensions: x:1280 y: 1024
util.php::235 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg
util.php::245 -> Dimensions: x: 1280 y: 1024
imageManipulation.php::640 -> Generating squared version to 200 pixels.
imageManipulation.php::573 -> Cropping Image
util.php::181 -> Executing: '/usr/bin/convert' '/home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg' -crop 1024x1024+128+0 +repage '/home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg'
Debug messages:
Status: 0 (expected 0)Source
util.php::235 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg
util.php::245 -> Dimensions: x: 1280 y: 1024
util.php::235 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg
util.php::245 -> Dimensions: x: 1024 y: 1024
imageManipulation.php::37 -> Resizing Image: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg.
filesystem.php::109 -> extension of file Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg is jpg
util.php::235 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg
util.php::245 -> Dimensions: x: 1024 y: 1024
imageManipulation.php::797 -> Compressing image: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg
util.php::181 -> Executing: '/usr/bin/convert' -size 200x200 '/home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg' -quality 75 -thumbnail 200x200 '/home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg.tmp'
Debug messages:
convert: no encode delegate for this image format `/home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg.tmp' @ constitute.c/WriteImage/1157.
Status: 1 (expected 0)
filesystem.php::278 -> Getting Exif from: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg
util.php::181 -> Executing: '/home/coastsec/jhead-2.6/jhead' '/home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg'
Debug messages:
sh: /home/coastsec/jhead-2.6/jhead: /usr/libexec/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
Status: 126 (expected 0)
util.php::618 -> Got no capture date. Using file modification time.
util.php::629 -> Item Capture Date: Sun Mar 22 07:00:16 2009
- Creating resized intermediate Version of Kelp_Boy
imageManipulation.php::37 -> Resizing Image: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg.
filesystem.php::109 -> extension of file Kelp_Boy.jpg is jpg
util.php::235 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg
util.php::245 -> Dimensions: x: 1280 y: 1024
imageManipulation.php::797 -> Compressing image: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg
imageManipulation.php::893 -> Using IM high quality.
util.php::181 -> Executing: '/usr/bin/convert' '/home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.jpg' -quality 85 -resize 500x500 -strip '/home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.sized.jpg'
Debug messages:
Status: 0 (expected 0)
util.php::235 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/bexis/public_html/albums/293-Drake/Kelp_Boy.sized.jpg
util.php::245 -> Dimensions: x: 500 y: 400
Album.php::1550 -> Check if image needs to be rotated
filesystem.php::278 -> Getting Exif from: /tmp/gallery0akaJu
util.php::181 -> Executing: '/home/coastsec/jhead-2.6/jhead' '/tmp/gallery0akaJu'
Debug messages:
sh: /home/coastsec/jhead-2.6/jhead: /usr/libexec/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
Status: 126 (expected 0)
Album.php::1568 -> Orientation:
- Photo NOT auto-rotated/transformed
Item successfully added.
Larry 'Flash' Alexander
Real Life Has No Reset Button
Posts: 6818
So besides that your jhead is broken (which does not matter) this happens:
0.) You set that you want a squared thumb 200x200 px
1.) You - upload a 1280x1024 photo (Kelp_Boy.jpg)
2.) Gallery - crops the image to be squared and creates a thumb in 1024x1024 (Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg)
3.) Gallery - resizes the big thumb to 200x200
Here Gallery fails.
The source is Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg and the destination is also Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg
What gallery does is to create a tmp file and then rename it back.
This is to make sure we do not damage the source.
The tmp file is called Kelp_Boy.thumb.jpg.tmp
And for some reason ImageMagick does not like it.
I have not tested with IM 6.5.0 so far (still on 6.4.3 here)
Try disabling the squared thumbs for now.
Problem is, that we will not make any fixes for Gallery 1.x
But Jallery (successor of Gallery 1 - different project) will probably have the same issue and a fix for Jallery will apply for Gallery 1.x
Gallery Developer
Posts: 6818
just noticed that IM 6.5.0 is REALLY new ...
try 6.5.0-4 from TODAY ;-)
maybe it fixes the issue.
Gallery Developer
Posts: 23
I'll see about getting the new ver. of IM installed.
FYI setting thumbs from square to default gave no joy.
Larry 'Flash' Alexander
Real Life Has No Reset Button
Posts: 23
Update :: Upgraded IM to current version.
No joy...
Installed Gallery2 - Working as expected. Problem solved.
Larry 'Flash' Alexander
Real Life Has No Reset Button