Is Drupal killing Gallery2


Joined: 2006-05-18
Posts: 49
Posted: Thu, 2009-03-19 05:06

Discussion. Humm. Dont go to the embedded forums . Theres trees falling down there but no one there to hear.
The greatest CMS ever Drupal , meets Gallery2 . Well , it was a good story once . Great story. But theres little support or help for the current release 2.3 now , lets face it. Some at Drupal , None at gallery forums. So that gets you thinking , well , it did me. I ask myself , whats the point. As far as I can see the only real advantage with Gallery2 now is mass upload . You can move large amounts . Bonus when you could embed it. But alas Drupal 5 supported and Gallery2 the current release , are full of trouble. Themes that break , Paths that are roads to nowhere. Gallery checkin is a buzzing with the activity and clearly some of those boys get no sleep with the gallery3 pumping along . But now I'm asking myself , well , why bother. If you cant embed it whats the point. Drupal is catching up in the gallery stakes besides.
I think this is a real pity . I've been a fan of Gallery since I first ran into it via the jade dragon on pow . Maybe its just me with my now narrow drupalized view of the world , but when support is like nowwhere with a current release the really important question becomes , do I persist while another thousand images gets added into a broken gallery2 , or jump ship while theres still a chance of getting the images over to a drupal system.

The times we live in.


Joined: 2006-08-01
Posts: 4342
Posted: Thu, 2009-03-19 14:35

Thread moved to Integration Support Forum