Screensaver for Linux


Joined: 2006-05-23
Posts: 18
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 09:55


When I was working with XP, I used the very good app GloSS to randomly retreive picture from my web gallery and display them on my local computer as a screensaver.

Now working under linux, getting this to work seems a little bit harder.

I read this page but the only thing that gets close to my need would be Gallery Remote:Screensaver.
I don't know if it's easier with windows, but with Linux, I didn't get it.
There are two parts : the server side and the client side.

Server side :
I haven't understood if I had anything to install, reading that the code of Gallery Remote:Screensaver was included in the classical Gallery Remote module (which is obviously installed on my server).
I could have also understood that Gallery Remote:Screensaver is a fork of the classical Gallery Remote module, and that I have to get rid of the mainstream module to install this patched module... I'm not very fond of quitting the main path (upgrades, maintenance...)
So I'm still in doubt...

Client side :
I downloaded, and it seems inside there's a Makefile wanting to be used.
I ran make, it crashed, and I also read that on the wiki page about Gallery Remote:Screensaver the user 'drasch' didn't succeed anymore.

So now, can anyone help on this subject?