Moving from Win to Lin


Joined: 2008-02-13
Posts: 33
Posted: Wed, 2009-02-04 08:32

Hello all,
I _was_ a happy Gallery2 user but my system disk crashed 2 days ago and I decided to jump ship from WinXP to Ubuntu. Now if I had a recent backup of my gallery, I probably wouldn't be here asking about how can I move my gallery2 content to my new setup...
Past config: WinXP, Apache 2.2, PHP5, MySql, Gallery2 via svn.
New config: Kubuntu 8.10, Apache, PHP5, MySql, Gallery2.

I have access to the old disk, but how should I proceed ?
Can I copy over the g2data directory to the new location ?
How about the MySQL content from "Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/data/gallery2/" ? Can I just create a new gallery2 database (which user ?) and copy that directory over the newly created one ?
