addItemToAlbum not updating some tables


Joined: 2008-12-19
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 04:31

I have managed to create a new album and add images to via the "uploadhandler.php". There I make calls to GalleryCoreApi::addItemToAlbum() by passing the ID of a newly created album. addItemToAblum() does put the images in the new created album's directory. Once the upload is done, it redirects to a page that lists all albums including the newly created one. There I make a call to GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock() which displays a thumbnail. There I also run queries that provide me with the image count of each album. However, the queries for the newly created album return nothing. The images are in the album but something else needs to be done/updated in order to have all the information for the newly created album available. Can you please tell me what this call is? Yes, I have done a GalleryEmbed::done(). If I see the album via the main.php defacto album they do get "initialized" and yes all images are viewable and when returning to the embapp it does work. It does not work right after the upload/addItemToAlbum() though.
Thanks for your help