Has anyone used G2 for Internal Multimedia Databasing?


Joined: 2009-01-30
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2009-01-30 19:42

Hello All,

I am working at a small college that is currently working on implementing G2 as a solution for a centralized media database. The idea is to have a a central location to store and find photos that are usable for promotions etc... We think G2 (and then G3 when it matures) will work well for this.

So has anyone else tried to use G2 for this purpose before? Issues you ran into? Any ideas for those just interested?

I may write up a short article on some of what we did after it is up and running as I could not find another photo/multimedia databasing system that would work for us.

Thanks developers to all your hard work!

William Wade
Bryan College