We host and manage an art shop - visual arts based(web site) in house.
We use Ms FrontPage 2002 to design our commercial web site with various limitations.
One of the key functions of our current web site, is our requirement for artist to register online and upload their photo images of their art work themselves.
(At present this is a manual process for us and time consuming as we have to upload the above details are selves.)
Please can you recommend a ideal photo image software that we can purchase that will enable artists to action the above requirements.
Software must be able to host a capacity of 1000+ photo images or more.
Our company is UK based.
Many Thanks
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Posts: 3473
If you have PHP, then Gallery. Just add the self registration modification.
If you don't have PHP, why are you asking here?
Posts: 4
Reply To Joan
New to this discuss forum, why the negativity ? - Go away .
Why bother replying if you are going to be so negative.
Did not ask you. Go away !
Posts: 4
Reply To Joan
New to this discussion forum, why the negativity ? - Go away .
Why bother replying if you are going to be so negative.
Did not ask you. Go away !
Posts: 13451
Ickenox, please do not behave in this manner again. When you post a message in the GALLERY forums, no wonder everyone would recommend using Gallery. If you meet the requirements, feel free to use it.
What you don't know, is that Joan is one of the main developers on the Gallery project, telling her to go away, would be a VERY, VERY bad idea. If she did, it would seriously hamper further development for users who actually appreciate the product.
I suggest you find another solution for your site, if you can't handle the fact that you get an answer to the question at hand. She did provide you with all the info you should need and if you had bothered searching the forums or reading some documentation before posting, you would already know what the requirements are, and what Gallery is capable of.
Posts: 3473
Negativity? You asked for a recommendation of software, I recommend gallery. If I thought there was a better product, I'd be on their site. I can't be more positive than that.
Posts: 32509
lol, ickenox, weird behaviour.
Posts: 126
Not in his defence, but perhaps ickenox cruised here via google and thought that this was a forum for discussing galleries in general instead of looking around and realizing this is a software solution site.
The site is so well done and so professional looking, you really don't expect it to be all about a free software package
People not familiar with Open Source could easily get confused.
Posts: 314
loxly, in that case it was still plain stupid to ask that question here, for a number of reasons:
1.) Ickenox had to register first before being able to post. I don't know about you, but I don't register somewhere before knowing what I'm getting myself into.
2.) The links on the left side clearly show that Gallery is a freeware software package, asking a question about the best image Gallery software here is like asking what party to vote on at a Democratic party forum.
3.) Telling forum members with a lot of posts to go away, when you're only looking here, is absolutely anti-social, rude and not-done, on any forum.
Now I don't want to spend any more time on this post, I just hope Ickenox won't be back anymore.
Posts: 126
BorgKing, I didn't mean to offend you, but you need to realize that not all people think the same way you and I do. He wanted to ask a question and had to provide an email address and password to ask it, that is not a lot of information. Chasing away a newbie is not the way to work any website. He was rude and he was told he was rude. But rude to you and I could be just plain ignorance also. This is a multi-culture, multi-lingual site, there are bound to be misunderstandings and not giving someone a chance is also rude.
Posts: 314
I'm not offended loxly, I just thought it was strange to defend the OP for the reasons I mentioned. At least we both agree he was rude ;)
As for the language and possible misunderstandings: I'm not a native speaker myself, so I'm quite sensitive to these things, but the OP is a native speaker (UK based company) and he was insulting one of our top developers. That's one bridge too far.
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