Thumbnail Problems


Joined: 2008-11-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2008-11-13 20:35

Thought I would give you all Config info first:

Gallery URL (
Gallery version: 1.5.9
Apache version:
PHP version (4.4.7):
Graphics Toolkit:
Operating system: Linux
Web browser/version (IE 7):

Here is my Debug info:

save_photos.php::358 -> Now we start processing the given Files. (If they were given)
Processing 1 element.
albumItem.php::506 -> Entering function: 'processnewimage'
albumItem.php::508 -> Processing file: /tmp/php6OMqFa
albumItem.php::666 -> Start processing single file (image/movie not archive).
albumItem.php::669 -> Extension is accepted.
albumItem.php::671 -> Filename processing.
albumItem.php::720 -> No caption given, generating it.
albumItem.php::479 -> Generated caption. Type: filename
Adding jake-football-08.jpg
Album.php::1313 -> Doing the naming of the physical file.
Album.php::1351 -> Image preprocessing
Album.php::1356 -> Resizing/compressing original file
imageManipulation.php::37 -> Resizing Image: /home/oakbluff/public_html/Gallery/albums/Fall-Festival-2008/jake_football_08.jpg.
filesystem.php::109 -> extension of file jake_football_08.jpg is jpg
util.php::236 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/oakbluff/public_html/Gallery/albums/Fall-Festival-2008/jake_football_08.jpg
util.php::246 -> Dimensions: x: 640 y: 480
imageManipulation.php::73 -> No resizing required.
imageManipulation.php::676 -> File /home/oakbluff/public_html/Gallery/albums/Fall-Festival-2008/jake_football_08.jpg type 2.
util.php::236 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/oakbluff/public_html/Gallery/albums/Fall-Festival-2008/jake_football_08.jpg
util.php::246 -> Dimensions: x: 640 y: 480
AlbumItem.php::697 -> Generating thumbnail.
AlbumItem.php::700 -> Saved dimensions: width:640 ; height:480
AlbumItem.php::778 -> Generating normal thumbs.
imageManipulation.php::37 -> Resizing Image: /home/oakbluff/public_html/Gallery/albums/Fall-Festival-2008/jake_football_08.jpg.
filesystem.php::109 -> extension of file jake_football_08.jpg is jpg
util.php::236 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/oakbluff/public_html/Gallery/albums/Fall-Festival-2008/jake_football_08.jpg
util.php::246 -> Dimensions: x: 640 y: 480
imageManipulation.php::797 -> Compressing image: /home/oakbluff/public_html/Gallery/albums/Fall-Festival-2008/jake_football_08.jpg
filesystem.php::109 -> extension of file jake_football_08.jpg is jpg
util.php::182 -> Executing: | -xysize 150 150 | --quality=50 >

Debug messages:

Status: (expected 0)
util.php::620 -> Got no capture date. Using file modification time.
util.php::631 -> Item Capture Date: Thu Nov 13 20:18:24 2008
Album.php::1444 -> Check if image needs to be rotated
Item successfully added.

Now my problem:

I installed a new copy of Gallery Version 1.5.9 on a new server and then transfered my albums from my old server to the new one. Then went into the confiq wizzard and set everthing up. After doing this my Gallery was up with all my pics like it was before. However, when I go in and add a new photo gallery and try to upload pics the thumbnail pics do not show up. if I click on the thumbnail words, the image will open in a large screen. I have read through the posts and have not really found the answer so I wanted to create my own post with my info on it.

I forgot to give my info from the netpbm diag:

Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .
Checking: Expected status: 0, but actually received status .

Thanks in advance.


Joined: 2008-11-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 2008-11-15 21:21

Can anyone help me with this Please....

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Mon, 2008-11-17 22:44


are you using Netpbm as Graphictoolkit?
If yes, who installed it?

Gallery Developer


Joined: 2008-11-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2008-11-20 02:54

Netpbm, and I installed it according to the instructions. I made a folder inside the Gallery folder and uploaded all the binary files using WSFTP (In Binary Mode) to the netpbm folder and set permissions to 777 just to make sure.

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Thu, 2008-11-20 04:27



Which version of Netpbm did you install exactly?

Gallery Developer


Joined: 2008-11-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2008-11-20 18:54

The version is which was downloaded from the other download section of the main webpage. As said before all I installed was the Binary files

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Fri, 2008-11-21 15:21

When you go to the Configuration wizard there is a link to the Gallery Diagnostics Page.

Click on: Check Netpbm

What system is reported?

Gallery Developer


Joined: 2008-11-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 2008-11-21 18:04
Tim_j wrote:
When you go to the Configuration wizard there is a link to the Gallery Diagnostics Page.

Click on: Check Netpbm

What system is reported?

Gallery Developer

Her is what comes up...

This is what your system reports:

This is the type of system on which PHP was compiled:

Linux #1 SMP Sun Nov 25 02:45:24 CST 2007 i686

Also you can look at the top of this original post for other info...


Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Sat, 2008-11-22 12:08


this is strange. You downloaded and installed the correct version.

I am currently out of ideas. Do you have shell access?

Gallery Developer


Joined: 2008-11-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2008-11-25 18:13
Tim_j wrote:

this is strange. You downloaded and installed the correct version.

I am currently out of ideas. Do you have shell access?

Gallery Developer

When you say Shell access, what exactly are you asking. Are you refering to special server side system type files? I am on a shared hosting package with my hosting company.

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Tue, 2008-11-25 23:42

I mean access to your Server via SSh or telnet.
Or something else where can act i some sort of a commandline.

Gallery Developer


Joined: 2008-11-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2008-11-26 03:28
Tim_j wrote:
I mean access to your Server via SSh or telnet.
Or something else where can act i some sort of a commandline.

Gallery Developer

I understand. I have set it up with my hosting company so now I have it. Give me a PM in order to let me know what you need in order to access my site.

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Thu, 2008-11-27 02:15

Send me the login details (URL/host, login, password) via email or PM and i can have a look.

Gallery Developer


Joined: 2008-11-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 2008-11-30 16:24
Tim_j wrote:
Send me the login details (URL/host, login, password) via email or PM and i can have a look.

Gallery Developer

You have a new PM...


Joined: 2009-12-16
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2009-12-16 17:49

Sorry to raise this from the dead but did eaither of your work out a solution? I have the exact same issue to the letter (rebuild,upgrade etc).

My Gallery Netpbm Check was:

Linux 2.6.18-164.el5PAE #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 04:10:44 EDT 2009 i686

Netpbm version is

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Wed, 2009-12-16 18:38


enable debugging, then please upload a photo via the form method. Post the output here.

Gallery Developer


Joined: 2009-12-16
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2009-12-17 11:16

Hey Tim_j

Thanks for taking the time to help me with this. the Debug info is as follows:

save_photos.php::358 -> Now we start processing the given Files. (If they were given)
Processing 1 element.
albumItem.php::666 -> Start processing single file (image/movie not archive).
albumItem.php::669 -> Extension is accepted.
albumItem.php::671 -> Filename processing.
albumItem.php::720 -> No caption given, generating it.
albumItem.php::479 -> Generated caption. Type: filename
Adding afterburner-both1.jpg
Album.php::1313 -> Doing the naming of the physical file.
Album.php::1351 -> Image preprocessing
Album.php::1356 -> Resizing/compressing original file
imageManipulation.php::37 -> Resizing Image: /home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg.
util.php::236 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg
imageManipulation.php::73 -> No resizing required.
imageManipulation.php::676 -> File /home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg type 2.
util.php::236 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg
AlbumItem.php::697 -> Generating thumbnail.
AlbumItem.php::778 -> Generating normal thumbs.
imageManipulation.php::37 -> Resizing Image: /home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg.
util.php::236 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg
imageManipulation.php::797 -> Compressing image: /home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg
util.php::182 -> Executing: '/home/whatever/public_html/html/netpbm/jpegtopnm' '/home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg' | '/home/whatever/public_html/html/netpbm/pnmscale' -xysize 150 150 | '/home/whatever/public_html/html/netpbm/pnmtojpeg' --quality=50 > '/home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.thumb.jpg'

Debug messages:

Status: (expected 0)
util.php::620 -> Got no capture date. Using file modification time.
util.php::631 -> Item Capture Date: Thu Dec 17 11:13:44 2009
- Creating resized intermediate Version of afterburner_both1

imageManipulation.php::37 -> Resizing Image: /home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg.
util.php::236 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg
imageManipulation.php::797 -> Compressing image: /home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg
util.php::182 -> Executing: '/home/whatever/public_html/html/netpbm/jpegtopnm' '/home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.jpg' | '/home/whatever/public_html/html/netpbm/pnmscale' -xysize 640 640 | '/home/whatever/public_html/html/netpbm/pnmtojpeg' --quality=90 > '/home/whatever/public_html/html/albums/H/afterburner_both1.sized.jpg'

Debug messages:

Status: (expected 0)
Album.php::1444 -> Check if image needs to be rotated




Joined: 2009-12-16
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2009-12-17 11:23

In addition the

echo ini_get("disable_functions");

outputs the following:

show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, popen, proc_open

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Thu, 2009-12-17 12:28

Hi StalkS,

your last post gives the answer. Gallery 1.x uses the "exec" function to exectue external commands.
In particular its netpbm and/or imagemagick. So on your Server you are not able to use Gallery 1.x

Gallery Developer


Joined: 2009-12-16
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2009-12-17 15:24

Tim_j thanks for the response. I have requested that my host enables the exec function. Fingers crossed that they agree.

If not should Should I be ok if install version 2 on my phpnuke site?



Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Thu, 2009-12-17 15:45


G2 can use the PHP GD extension, so it should work.

Gallery Developer