Customizing the PicLens interface


Joined: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2008-10-29 01:09

Hi all,

I know that 2.3 isn't all that old yet, so I am hoping that someone knows of a way to do this -- or offer alternatives.

I really didn't like the slideshow that came with previous versions... didn't like the fullscreen applet either. So I upgraded to 2.3 to use PicLens as the slideshow, which is great... but... the interface is, well... kinda ugly.

How do we customize the colours, or the size of thumbnails etc? Is this possible? Is there an FLA out there that can be edited and plugged in?

If you can't do that, has anyone figured out how to use Simpleviewer to replace the usual slideshow? I have a Pro license and am pretty at east with its customization, buthave no idea how to integrate it into Gallery2. I am happy to pay someone who can help me out.