WPG2's link to wpg2functions.inc in the BE is wrong

Whitewolf Fox

Joined: 2008-10-28
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2008-10-28 10:59

Hi There!

I'm using the latest WPG2 v3.0.7 and have the following problem:

The link to the Gallery via www.site.com/wpg2 works fine, but when I follow the link to wpg2functions.inc ( wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2functions.inc ) from the BackEnd of WordPress, then I get an 404 error. I know why, too: The link in the Backend points to http://www.site.com/home/Userdir/public_html/wordpress_wp-content/plugins/wpg2/ instead of http://www.site.com/wordpress_wp-content/plugins/wpg2/ . But I don't know why.

What is this?