In admin page of Wordpress any link of WPG2 configuration leads to this ../wp-admin/wpg2/
but this page doesn't exist.
in WordPress, select the "Plugins" link and deactivate WPG2 3.0.7 (latest, afaik).
make sure ImageFrame and ImageBlock plugins are un Gallery 2 (standalone site - http://yourdomain.tld/gallery2/)
then once more, go back to WordPres, select the "Plugins" link and activate WPG2
Posts: 1153
in WordPress, select the "Plugins" link and deactivate WPG2 3.0.7 (latest, afaik).
make sure ImageFrame and ImageBlock plugins are un Gallery 2 (standalone site - http://yourdomain.tld/gallery2/)
then once more, go back to WordPres, select the "Plugins" link and activate WPG2
Posts: 3
didn't help
plugins are activated. I discovered that first link works:
and tells that everything is validated, but all next links:
are Not Found.
but, if I correct them to:
everything works!
Maybe this is because of this error:
Rewrite Validation Check: Failed (Help)
1. Wordpress Permalinks Active? - [No]
Error: Wordpress Permalinks is not Active
I can't find where to activate Permalinks
Posts: 1153
make sure you ~/wordpress/.htaccess file is writeable - then in WordPress,go into Settings > Permalinks doesn't look valid to me because ~/wpg2/ resides into ~/wp-content/plugins/
looks quirky, investigate more if you have time.