When using the Cooliris slideshow option you can't set the preferred image resolution to use for the fullscreen view, or am I missing something ?
It seems to be using the fullsize images for fullscreen display and that is way too slow when the server is on a 2MBit connection.
You should preferably be able to select what image resolution you'd want to use for the fullscreen feed.
Gallery version = 2.3 core 1.3.0
API = Core 7.54, Module 3.9, Theme 2.6, Embed 1.5
PHP version = 5.2.0 nsapi
Webserver = Sun Java System Web Server/7.0
Database = mysqlt 5.0.37-community-nt, lock.system=database
Toolkits = Exif, Thumbnail, Ffmpeg, jpegtran, Gd
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Windows NT 5.2 build 3790
Default theme = matrix
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_GB
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; da; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 107
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 7682
Rows in GalleryUser table = 6
Rows in GalleryItem table = 7680
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 125
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
Posts: 16504
Right now the only option is to not allow fullsize image to visitors. I've been seeing a pattern in the few complaints about the new really cool slideshow and have been digging into it myself to understand a bit more and will be filing feature requests and or talking with the devs about what I find.
1) The RSS feed that Gallery creates for PicLens only has links for the first 25 images in an album. This isn't a big deal but it's how, as far as I can tell, PicLens decides which images get the little PicLens icon in the lower-left corner when you hover over a thumbnail.
The only work around I know of right now for this is to edit /modules/slideshow/classes/SlideshowHelper.class and change the SLIDESHOW_MEDIARSS_ITEMS_PER_PAGE from 25 to a number larger than the number of items you have in any album. Not an ideal fix. Ideally from how I understand PicLens works from reading their docs and forums is the RSS feed could/should have links to other dynamically created RSS feeds for a "multi-page" album.
2) The RSS feed that Gallery creates grabs the biggest size image available that the user has permission to see and uses that to feed to PicLens.
The only work around I know of right now for this is to limit the size of images people can see with permissions. Remove the ability for people to view full sized images and make the largest image available something that's acceptable for downloading on slower connections.
You could also probably hack the same class file or another file in the slideshow module that creates the RSS feed and change this. I haven't looked and wouldn't know where to start except it's under /modules/slideshow
The ideal fix for this, as I see it, would be an option for the Slidshow module to check which derivative to choose. The problem is I could have one album with the thumbnail, one resized, and the full size image, I could then have another album with the thumbnail, 20 resized images, and the full size image. How do you come up with the logic and a user friendly way to choose the right option for albums?
Maybe just an option to grab the next size down from full size would be sufficient? I don't even know if that's something easy to do or not.
Maybe something you have to do at the album level, otherwise Gallery would default to it's current behavior of grabbing the largest image available.
I'm not a programmer, but I can see both of these options ballooning into either a not so easy fix with lots of code to handle the logic or possibly needing to take a decent performance hit to make additional queries for each item. I really don't know.
3) PicLens stretches photos. Nothing Gallery can do about this. If the largest image available is a thumbnail, it's going to get stretched in full screenmode. This is a PicLens/Cooliris issue and it appears it might be an option to set the size or set the maximum size of an image or the slideshow in a future version of Cooliris. Though, then I think Gallery would then need to add an option to the Slideshow module to set that setting.
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I've successfully workaround this problem with the following hack :
This simply makes gallery feed the slideshow using the biggest resized image available instead of the full sized one.
I hope a better solution will be found for the next gallery release
Posts: 177
At what point in SlideshowHelper.class should this hack be inserted?
Posts: 16504
Around line 175
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I found and replaced the code and now the slideshow doesn't work. Has anyone else got this to work?
Posts: 8339
I'm actually adding the ability to set default maxHeight/maxWidth in slideshow admin right now ;)
You can test it for me later today.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 8339
Ok, uploaded my update here.
If you could test it and let me know your results I'll submit for review.
Also if we want to add more params now might be the time.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 177
just had a go and it worked fine. Nice one supridr
Posts: 16504
Tested, it works. Here's my observations.
1) You have to enter in a width and height. At first I was just trying to restrict the height and the generated RSS feed still pulls the largest available image. I tested by also trying to just set the width and the same thing happens.
2) The terms "max height" and "max width" are deceptive. I think from a user friendly stand point it should be re-worded but I don't know to what. I set my really small (10px) for testing. That's not the size it set the images to in the slideshow, it just seemed to grab the closest sized image. Example, one image I have has the following sized:
Thumb: 180 x 200
Resize_1: 577 x 664
Full size: 800 x 888
When I set the slide show to 10x10, then I just got the thumbs displayed. When I set the slide show to 600x600 then my first resized image displayed.
3) Now would be a good time to also fix the problem that the RSS feed only works for the first 25 images of any album. I don't know the right fix. I understand why you'd limit the size of the RSS page so it's not huge. Maybe have the RSS feed link to other dynamically created RSS feeds. Maybe make it smart enough to only generate enough links for the number of images on the page and the images that are on the page and not hard coded for first 25 of the album. Then the little icon that pops in the lower-left corner for Cooliris/PicLens would work on every page and every thumbnail. Performance as expect would fall for those people who want 100s of thumbs on a single page, but they should have to pay for stupidity like that anyway ;)
4) While we're at it, why not upgrade PicLens to the current version of Cooliris or is there a licensing issue? I can't even find where the swf and js files are stored for PicLens...
5) This is something Cooliris needs to fix, the slideshow still scales the images up to fit on the screen. That's the other complaint I've seen and we (gallery users) are not the only ones complaining about it if you read through the Cooliris forums. Unfortunately there's not much we can do about it.
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Posts: 177
Also getting the slidshow to run through selected albums from root would be really cool and is something I have noticed requested rather a lot.
Posts: 8339
I think I'll tie them together the same as when you set target sizes to begin with. (the javascript has already been written ;) )
And "target size" may be a better descriptor as I agree max width/height is misleading.
We do need to return an image, so if none of the resizes fit the bill we return the original.
But we will certainly compare the resizes with the target size(permissions allowing).
Hmmm... Maybe providing a checkbox in edit album->album would work? Kind of like the random highlight or imageblock flag.
This way it would be on a per album basis. Hard for me to tell as strangely mysite does not seem to be afflicted by the 25 item rule - all 101 items seem to load.
I think the per album idea is a good one, and maybe also the ability to set a new default in slideshow->admin larger/smaller than 25.
Hopefully the storage of a piped albumId array in the slideshow module params would not become too cumbersome - especially on large sites.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 16504
If someone does make that an option, please have the foresight to have an option to turn it off so it's not even thinking about looking at the data of the sub-albums. On large galleries that option could be very, very expensive in terms of processing as you'd have to dig through sub-albums and the items the sub-albums have and do you keep digging through other sub-albums or just go one level deep? It's the same reason you don't have an option to delete other items when you select to delete an album. At least from my view point, I may be off base by not knowing some of the ins and outs of the Gallery code base. suprsidr or any of the Gallery Dev team would be better to answer that.
Personally, I hope that's an option that doesn't happen if that's the case, purely from a support stand point. "Slide show crashes my site, why?"
Though I would like to see an option to not display the slideshow link on pages/albums that only contain sub-albums and don't have any actual photos in them. Don't know how easy or hard that is though or if it's even possibly without adding a lot of overhead to large albums.
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Posts: 8339
Ok, new version up with the maxItemsPerPage addition.
- so clear your template cache.
I think I'll hold off on the rest until I get more input.
I did add the gallery logo to the Cooliris slideshow feed
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 16504
Yes, they all still show in the slideshow. But, if you install the 3D plugin, you get this little icon in the lower-left corner of every thumbnail when you hover over the thumbnail.
The current RSS feed only generates links for 25 images which is what PicLens uses to know what images to toss that icon on. Your solution is an o.k. workaround, but what if you set that to 100, then add another 25 items to an album. If someone browsed the last few pages of the album they wouldn't get that icon.
I think what needs to happen is that the RSS feed needs to link to other dynamically created RSS feeds or that the code to generate the RSS feed needs to look at all the thumbs for images on the page and create an RSS feed specific for that page on the fly and not just for the first 25 items in an album. So any page you browse to a new RSS feed will be generated and PicLens can read that RSS feed to toss those icons on the thumbs.
Of course that's easier for me to say as I don't code ;)
If you go to a Flickr page with 100s of images on it after installing the 3D plugin PicLens works for all of those. Though I think support for Flickr is hard-coded into PicLens/Cooliris as or Flickr is generating RSS feeds such that PicLens can read through the rest of the images. I looked at a Flickr page that has over 43 pages and 100s of images and the RSS feed for the first page or the 43rd page is the same, yet PicLens still pops that little icon into the lower-left corner of every thumb when you hover over them.
But it also works on "albums" for Flickr. So it puts an icon on an album and if you click it then you get a slideshow for that album.
I'm not requesting anything here, just trying to better explain how I've seen PicLens working in other places as well as some of the complaints about it.
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Posts: 8339
Thanks for the better explanation.
Luckily this is how its already done.
So I can remove the maxItemsPerPage????
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 16504
Not for Gallery it's not or it's not working correctly.
Personally, I think so because I think it's just a work around for something that should work if the RSS feed was generated "correctly" (for lack of a better term)
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Ah, I see what you are talking about. Just looked at the source page. If I copy and paste that URL into the address bar it generates a blank page, but if I replace the 2 instances of & with & then it works.
That was in Firefox and if you look at the RSS page in IE, you actually get a little box on the right side saying "displaying 25/25" I would assume that if it could read the "next/previous" URLs it would work there as well. Yep, because I just get a blank page in IE
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Posts: 2
can you give me a few pointers on how to implement this work around ...?
not too green here but, is this just a case of unpacking your archived files overtop.. if so, it doesn't work for me.
do i rename the class files in the test folder and paste them into the original class folder? or a combonation of both?
any direction for someone who loves to tinker, but has been at it for hours with no progress, would be very appreciated
i have gallery 2.3 and slideshow 2.0 installed
Posts: 5
Works like a charm.
Thank you very much sir.
Posts: 5
Go to your plugin list and uninstall the slideshow plugin.
Copy the new files from the suprsidr download overwriting the old ones. Its in "modules " folder.
Refresh the plugin list and install the slideshow plugin again. Edit the slideshow settings to set the preferred image size for the Cooliris feed to use.
Posts: 2
duh - the "uninstall" part, right
thanks very much - those instructions weren't posted already i hope...
Posts: 177
I dont have this problem. My gallery plays how ever many pics are in an album.
I also dont have this issue. The link to display the slideshow only shows on albums with pics. I am using matrix with very few hacks & not much changed.
Just wanted to pass this on.
Posts: 16504
Yes, they play, but the little icon that appears in the lower-left corner of your thumbnails that you can click on to go straight to that image in the slideshow doesn't display on any thumbnail past the first 25 of the album.
Yeah, I'm not seeing it on my G2 installs either. I just had it stuck in my head, maybe I had it backwards, from someone else complaining about. But they were also using something like Xtreme theme which probably has that (and many others) hard coded. So nevermind about that. ;)
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Well aside from retrieving theme settings for the current album to set our offset itemsPerPage (columns * rows) I'm not sure if there is another solution.
I tried many different angles last night. Without setting the itemsPerPage high enough to cover the album it appears Cooliris does not "look ahead" until the swf is launched.
I set my rows to 25 and columns to 4 so 100 thumbs would show per page. The default of 25 itemsPerPage did indeed only flag 25 thumbs.
So that said, I will look into retrieving some theme data for the current album and try to set the itemsPerPage to (columns * rows).
And as far as the button showing on non-photo pages, update your themes ;)
Cooliris also supports flashvideo, but lytebox does not... so if I can figure out how to include them only when Cooliris is available on the client side I will.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 16504
I've been looking all over the place and as far as I can tell we are generating the URLs for the "next" and "previous" RSS feeds correctly. However, if you copy and paste the URL into Firefox or IE nothing loads. But if you replace the 2 instances of & with & then it works. However, if you force the generated URL to use & instead of & then IE, correctly throws a fit about it not being valid XML.
I'm thinking that what ever scripting is used to put that icon on the images, it's failing to read the URLs that have & in them and translate that to &. I've been digging through the PicLens forums and it appears most people there use a comma to separate parameters in their dynamically generated URLs.
But I haven't been able to figure out where that script is downloaded from or take a look at it. The piclens javascript file that's download is a "compressed" javascript file that I have no clue what to do with.
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Nope. I tried all that last night. Flash interprets & as a break in the vars, so we use %26 <- I tried that too.
As I stated above... I don't think the javascript is "looking ahead" to flag the images.
The previous/next are only used to include those images in the actual slideshow/3Dwall.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 16504
I see what you're saying. So what is putting the icon on the images? Is that flash? I'm pretty sure it's not flash, but either javascript or css or something else because Adblock doesn't throw on a tag to block that icon.
Oh wait, that icon doesn't even show up until after you install their browser plugin. So it's probably not flash or javascript.
Ah ha, It's either javascript, an exe or a dll that places that icon there. Probably Javscript since they do have a Mac version of the plugin, but who knows, I sure don't. But it's all ran locally (I dug into the xpi I downloaded for Firefox). The browser plugin has javascript, css, png icons, etc as well as a windows binary that all run to do all of this. Looks like this may actually be a bug report to the Cooliris people that their plugin isn't reading proper URLs correctly. It is at some point because the entire album will load in a slideshow or in the 3D wall, but not when browsing the thumbs how ever they are doing that.
I can't tell what's licensed under the GPL and what's under the Apache license and I don't know about the Apache license if they are required to make source code available
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These icons are javascript driven.
But as I said, the js is only reading the current rss feed not the next/previous.
This would work if we make sure the current rss feed contains the images on the page, so I will look into retrieving the theme data for the album and generate the rss and offset based on that data.
Currently we are not advancing the feed/offset per page, we are simply supplying the parent feed.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 16504
Ah, yes. I didn't notice that before. If you go to the 40th page of an album, say 400 items into the album, it's still generating the same original RSS feed with a next link.
I can't read the code very well, but in /modules/slideshow/classes/SlideshowHelper.class
/me thinks that something didn't get finished before final release. Like checking for the first itemId (startId) of the page that is being served. I can't tell for sure, but I don't think the function that builds the RSS feed looks at the current page and any of the itemIds on it. Just at the first ## (where ## is 25 by default) itemIds of the album.
Or I could be reading that completely wrong.
If this was smarty template land I could probably hack my way through it...
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Posts: 8339
It does now
give me a minute to remove the admin option for maxItemsPerPage.
and I'll zip it up.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 8339
Ok, new version up.
Sets the offset to the current feed automatically.
Also should work for flashvideos.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 8339
Ooops, found a bug.
Fixed it, new version up.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 8339
Ok, I think my latest fixes any bugs I've discovered since my last post.
Aparently you can have albums without a default theme ?? whodathunkit??
Anyways - again let me know your results.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 16504
Works great here!
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Posts: 89
Sorry about all the technical discussion... here is what I have got...
Case 1.
In Site Admin -> Slideshow setup, have Piclens installed here...
Then run the slide show, slideshow (piclens) will cause IE7 to crash after a while (around 20+ slides). This seems to caused by memory issue because memory usage surge up as soon as the slideshow run.
Case 2.
Uninstalled Piclens in Site Admin -> Slideshow setup....
With the official release, it can only show 25 slides.
Using the "hacked" release from suprsidr, the limit is now 60.
Still need more tests
Posts: 8339
@cmjimmy - You have been busy while I was asleep
You are probably referring to subalbums. Which we do not include.
my test album has 101 items and they all display.
The 25 item limit referred to how many items were tagged with the little Cooliris icon (the little image you see when you hover over the thumbs).
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 89
Yeah, I am on the other side of the World... I am from Hong Kong.
I have re-tested the 2 cases....
Case 1 ... the memory consumption was gradually building up towards 2.4G and then IE crashed, when IE closed, memory usage drop back to around 900M. I suspect this is a matter of picture size and the slide advance interval.
Case 2 ... The limit is still 60 frames.
Also, it was noted that the slide show target size only affect Case 2. however, changing to a smaller target size did not change to 60 frame limit.
In fact, I would like to suggest for other enhencement(s).... is in the Slideshow Admin template, add the option to setup the interval. I think 10 second would be too long. Another one is background music.
Posts: 8339
Posts: 16504
No, see below.
You need to file a bug with Cooliris (www.cooliris.com) I had an album with over 400 pictures for testing and everything worked just fine in Firefox. Well I didn't have any slowing down of the system, I didn't check memory consumption.
For case 2 if you're using the latest version from suprsidr, there is no limit at all on the little icon that pops up in the lower-left corner. After installing Suprsidr's changes the little icon in the lower-left corner of the thumbnails displayed for every single image. I checked the ones on the first few pages, some in the middle and some at the end (I had over 40 pages in that album)
Let's be sure we are talking about the same thing as there appears to be 2 issues you are talking about.
That hard coded 25 limit ONLY affected which images that little icon pops up on. The official release of slideshow only puts that on the first 25 images. With the awesome fixes by suprsidr, it now loads the correct RSS feed for every page in the album and you will see that little icon popup on the thumbnail when you hover over it. That 25 thumbnail limit didn't effect anything else, not the number of images in the slideshow or anything.
My test album had over 400 images. Only the first 25 would display that icon, but ALL of them played in the slideshow, that had NEVER been an issue. ALL the images in the album has ALWAYS played in the slideshow.
Your other issue(s) appear to be memory and CPU usage. That's a cooliris/piclens/browser issue. I haven't used it on IE yet. Guess I could create a new test album with larger images and test usage in IE vs. Firefox. Cooliris states right on their site that the plugin works better in Firefox than IE. But even without getting the 3D plugin, I would think that the default flash player would be close to the same in IE or FF. If you don't have flash installed, then it defaults to using a really poor Lighbox knock off called Lytebox that works fine in FF, but in IE pegs the CPU on my system.
I'll create another test album. I can't use original sized images 1) that would take forever for me to upload and 2) I don't have the space. I'll PM suprsidr and you the URL for you to test on once that's up there and you can see if it works for you or not. Please test in both IE and Firefox.
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Posts: 27300
Please test:
These files go into the /g2data/plugin_data/modules/slideshow/ directory
You will have to create backups of the existing 2 files and rename the piclens_optimized.js to piclens.js
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 16504
Dave, who is that directed to?
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Posts: 89
Hi All,
This is the test result.
Case 1,
1. I have Cooliris installed... it said version installed. (See Screen 01)
2. replaced the javascript and the swf in g2data/plugins-data/modules/slideshow
3. Start the slide show... it said the version is (See Screen 02)
4. The memory consumption has improved a lot. (See Screen 03)...
5. To show the difference, I uninstalled and reinstalled slideshow to restore the files... (See Screen 04). I have speedup the slideshow by scrolling the mouse wheel. The result would be similar if I let it go by itself.
Case 2. - when Cooliris was uninstalled. (See Screen 05)
The slide show would have a limit of 60. (see Screen 06). The slide show would stop when it reach 60.
Posts: 89
just an additional remark....
In some of the albums, I have relative small-sized (around 1 M) jpeg files... I don't seem to have memory problem with those album.
In another albums, which have out-of-the-camera photos. They are 5-6M in size. It crashed IE quick often.
Also not to sure about "....that little icon popup on the thumbnail when you hover over it...", I tried to hover the mouse pointer around... but did not see any icon. Can you please show me?
Posts: 27300
Anybody that cares to test.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 89
Hi Dave,
BTW, is there a way to make the js and swf permanent? Everytime Cooliris was uninstalled, it was removed. When it was re-installed, they go back to the release that come with Gallery.
Posts: 27300
No, but...
Eventually this version will be the default.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 89
Thanks Dave,
I have another update regarding the memory consumption issue....
I have compared the file size of various albums.... many of them also contain huge files (5-6M) but most of them do not have the memory problem. Only the ones I have added after the v2.3 upgrade (file size are also huge)
I found this quite weird... so I go each of the images in the problem album. I found the loading speed is slow. When I check the system process on the linux server. I notice the ImageMagicK convert process when each of the images are being loaded.
It was a pain to go thru each of the image... so in a 2nd test, I go to Edit Album -> Apply Setting Settings to Existing Item -> check the boxes against "Apply album setting to resized images, add for all subalbum, Build resizes too.
After all this, the memory issue was gone for these test albums.
It seems the problem is with the AddItem Process ... it did not generate the resized images as always ... In the past, the first slide show would also generate all the resized images. But now, with the flash version. the process is taken up at nowhere... AddItem is not doing it, Slide Show is not doing it.
Personally, I like the version with cooliris uninstalled, with the following advantages:
1. the images look sharper to me. (Well, this is the reason for this post - cannot control the resolution of Piclens)
2. With the work from suprsidr, the size of the slide can be controlled.
3. I can easily edit the template that slideshow runs at 5 second intervals.
The only disadvantages now is that I still hitting the 60 slide limit.
Hope this help.
Posts: 16504
Do yourself a favor and don't use that javascript slideshow
That's what's pegging the CPU and hitting the RAM heavily when ran under IE. I've notcied with larger photos it's worse. Yes, that means using the flash based slideshow, but it will ease up resources on your visitors machines. As long as they have access to a decent sized image, I've noticed no difference between what's shown in the javascript slideshow or the flashbased slideshow as it shows the same image 
I've already expressed my dislike of the crappy Lightbox knock-off of a slideshow. While the original lightbox plays smoother on IE, it still pegs the CPU and would probably consume a lot of memory on large photos. IE just plain sucks for processing javascript.
As for that limit, do you happen to have 60 photos on the page? With suprsidr's changes the javascript slideshow will only play the number of images on the current page. This is 25 by default with what currently ships with G2. If I install suprsidr's updates, then I only get 9 (what's currently displayed on a page). However, if I install PicLens, and use the flash based slideshow, then it will show all 433 photos I have in my album.
I don't know how that can be fixed and still not build huge RSS feeds. I personally wouldn't want Gallery doing extra processing just for the javascript slideshow that will not be displayed for almost every single visitor. Mabye check if PicLens is installed and if it is, then just process for PicLens and if it's not, then grab data for all items in an album and pass that for the JavaScript slideshow. If you look at /modules/slideshow/templates/Slideshow.tpl (that's the page that's used for the JavaScript slideshow) you'll see that it's grabbing only the items that are in the $Slideshow.items array. If you have a 1000 items in your album do you really want that page processing that much all at once for each and every hit to the page? It also makes for a larger page to load and process for the browser. In my test, adding 1000 lines for the slideshow in the html page made it 110KB for the HTML alone.
To help with the javascript slideshow:
I'd make sure that my visitors cannot view the large, original sized photos. I'd also make my images no larger than what can be displayed on most screen resolutions that are visiting your site. I'd also knock down the image quality. You can reduce image quality quite a bit and notice no difference unless you actually zoom in on the photo, which visitors just aren't going to do. To purchase or use one of the print services people don't need access to the large image, they just need to be able to add the item to cart or print. I know the printing services work this way and I'm pretty sure the 3rd party checkout plugin works this way. But I don't know what you're wanting to or need to accomplish with your Gallery. As far as I know you do need the original photos there and accessible for clients to download. But if you have the large, original photos available, then that javascript slideshow is just going to suck in IE.
That little icon is only visible after someone installs the 3D Cooliris plugin and that only works if Cooliris/Piclens is installed on the site. Here is an image of that:
Before suprsidr's update that also only displayed for the first 25 thumbs in an album.
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Posts: 89
Thanks Nivekiam,
Suddenly realise what it meant by "...60 photos on that page...". This is the setup in the theme which I have 15 rows in 4 columns. After changing to 25 rows in 4 columns. The limit became 100. That's fine. Yes, piclens can also show all photos, but I just don't like the flash slideshow.
I agree with your point ".. Gallery not doing extra processing for hte javascript slideshow". After know what the limits are and the cause/reason for the limit. I am happy with the solution as is. Gallery have exist for so long and evolved only to become a even better solution for most people.
I also agree that with "... visitor cannot view the large, original sized photos.." That's why I like the Target Size from Supridr's solution. I have picked 800x800.
However, the result I have got "may" suggest that piclens could have been generating the flash slideshow from the original size photos (I could be wrong), thus consuming the memory quickly. The issue was removed after the resized images are built manually. The slideshow module has evolved, the AddItem Process has to be changed. Otherwise, the "resize process" became widowed, I would say.
Thanks for the greate support.
PS - Thanks for the image with the little Colliris icon.