Wish list for Gallery 2.0


Joined: 2002-09-17
Posts: 27
Posted: Tue, 2002-09-17 05:36

I know that some features e.g. multi-language support, user database, mysql backend, etc are already included in 2.0. I would like to have some minor features which may be already included (or easily included) but not mentioned before:

- integrate with phpbb 2.x
- random images show off
- photo e-card functions (email the link or html page to friends)
- photo search enhancement (by keyword, by category, ...)
- photo statistics (e.g. top hits by time period, top uploader, top rated photos, ...)
- support other format other than jpeg/gif e.g. mov, mpg, mp3, zip, etc
- offline batch upload by administrator
- web based template editor to control look and feel (banner, header, footer, ...)