Gallery remote isn't showing any albums


Joined: 2008-10-18
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2008-10-19 21:13


A couple of days I installed gallery 2.2.6 into the root folder of my hosting and when I try to connect with gallery remote to the gallery it shows that I'm connected (the login button shows Log Out) but it shows no albums and no pics and I get a message: Select a gallery URL and click Log in. I installed gallery 2.2.6 also into a subfolder (connected to a second database). Connecting with gallery remote to the subfolder gallery works fine. Does anybody know what that could be?

Thanx in advance.


Joined: 2008-10-18
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2008-10-20 15:45

Never mind,

I just upgraded to gallery 2.3 and gallery remote is now working...



Joined: 2008-03-06
Posts: 13
Posted: Fri, 2009-01-23 12:33

I'm having exactly the same problem, running gallery 2.2.6 and remote I have found out in the log from the debug mode that the cause of the problem is that when fetching albums the progam switch to beeing logged in as guest, and thus no albums are shown, since guest-users don´t have permissons to upload pictures. If i give guest user full access to a album then that album is shown. I have read several postings on this issue, but no real answers how to fix it, preferably on the gallery side, since fixing it on the remote side in my case means fiddling with ten or more users computers. It is said to have something to do with cookies, can one make any adjustments on the web-server that helps?
This problem started after upgrading gallery remote to version 1.0.8


Joined: 2008-12-29
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2009-01-29 10:47

Hi - Anyone had any luck with this?

I am having the same problem - having done a fresh install of gallery 2.3 after problems with my previous install (which had been working perfectly for a year or so).

I am attempting to use gallery remote 1.5.1.b43 (the latest) with gallery remote plugin 1.017

Here is the log- Notice the change toward the end between being logged in as admin to being logged in as guest - i believe this is what as been referred to in this and another post...

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0|INFO |SysProps |file.separator= |\|
0|INFO |SysProps |java.awt.graphicsenv= |sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment|
0|INFO |SysProps |java.awt.printerjob= ||
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0|INFO |SysProps |java.endorsed.dirs= |D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\lib\endorsed|
0|INFO |SysProps |java.ext.dirs= |D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\lib\ext|
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0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\DOCUME~1\ANDY~1.SPE\LOCALS~1\Temp\|
0|INFO |SysProps |java.library.path= |D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\bin;.;D:\WINDOWS\system32;D:\WINDOWS;D:\WINDOWS\system32;D:\WINDOWS;D:\WINDOWS\system32\WBEM;D:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;D:\Program Files\xampp\php\;D:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\;D:\Program Files\Common Files\Teleca Shared|
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0|INFO |SysProps |java.vm.vendor= |Sun Microsystems Inc.|
0|INFO |SysProps |java.vm.version= |1.5.0_03-b07|
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0|INFO |SysProps |lax.dir= |D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\|
0|INFO |SysProps |lax.main.class= ||
0|INFO |SysProps |lax.main.method= |main|
0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\bin\java.exe|
0|INFO |SysProps | |::=::\|
0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS|
0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY\Application Data|
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0|INFO |SysProps | |2|
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0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\WINDOWS\system32;D:\WINDOWS;D:\WINDOWS\system32\WBEM;D:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;D:\Program Files\xampp\php\;D:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\;D:\Program Files\Common Files\Teleca Shared|
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0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\|
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0|INFO |SysProps | |x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel|
0|INFO |SysProps | |6|
0|INFO |SysProps | |1706|
0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files|
0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\lib\ext\|
0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\|
0|INFO |SysProps | |Console|
0|INFO |SysProps | |D:|
0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\WINDOWS|
0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\DOCUME~1\ANDY~1.SPE\LOCALS~1\Temp|
0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\DOCUME~1\ANDY~1.SPE\LOCALS~1\Temp|
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0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY|
0|INFO |SysProps | |D:\WINDOWS|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY\Application Data|
16|INFO |SysProps | |.;D:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\lib\ext\|
16|INFO |SysProps | |Console|
16|INFO |SysProps | |en_US|
16|INFO |SysProps | |AdobeDrive|
16|INFO |SysProps | |1.0.0|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\Common Files|
16|INFO |SysProps | |SPEEDY|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe|
16|INFO |SysProps | |CA8|
16|INFO |SysProps | |::=::\|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY\Application Data|
16|INFO |SysProps | |.;D:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\lib\ext\|
16|INFO |SysProps | |Console|
16|INFO |SysProps | |SPEEDY|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe|
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16|INFO |SysProps | |NO|
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16|INFO |SysProps | |\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY|
16|INFO |SysProps | |\\SPEEDY|
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16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\MSIVAL2|
16|INFO |SysProps | |2|
16|INFO |SysProps | |Windows_NT|
16|INFO |SysProps | |.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.4mm|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\|
16|INFO |SysProps | |3.3(JULIAN)(MT)|
16|INFO |SysProps | |x86|
16|INFO |SysProps | |x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel|
16|INFO |SysProps | |6|
16|INFO |SysProps | |1706|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\WINDOWS\system32;D:\WINDOWS;D:\WINDOWS\system32\WBEM;D:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;D:\Program Files\xampp\php\;D:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\;D:\Program Files\Common Files\Teleca Shared|
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16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\lib\ext\|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\|
16|INFO |SysProps | |Console|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\WINDOWS|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\DOCUME~1\ANDY~1.SPE\LOCALS~1\Temp|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\DOCUME~1\ANDY~1.SPE\LOCALS~1\Temp|
16|INFO |SysProps | |SPEEDY|
16|INFO |SysProps | |Andy|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY|
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16|INFO |SysProps | |AdobeDrive|
16|INFO |SysProps | |1.0.0|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\WINDOWS|
16|INFO |SysProps | |NO|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:|
16|INFO |SysProps | |\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY|
16|INFO |SysProps | |\\SPEEDY|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\UiSample.MSI|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\MSIVAL2|
16|INFO |SysProps | |2|
16|INFO |SysProps | |Windows_NT|
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16|INFO |SysProps | |.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.4mm|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\|
16|INFO |SysProps | |3.3(JULIAN)(MT)|
16|INFO |SysProps | |x86|
16|INFO |SysProps | |x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel|
16|INFO |SysProps | |6|
16|INFO |SysProps | |1706|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\lib\ext\|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\|
16|INFO |SysProps | |Console|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\WINDOWS|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\DOCUME~1\ANDY~1.SPE\LOCALS~1\Temp|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\DOCUME~1\ANDY~1.SPE\LOCALS~1\Temp|
16|INFO |SysProps | |SPEEDY|
16|INFO |SysProps | |Andy|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY|
16|INFO |SysProps | |D:\WINDOWS|
16|INFO |SysProps | |com.zerog.lax.LAX|
16|INFO |SysProps | |main|
16|INFO |SysProps | |J2|
16|INFO |SysProps | |2750|
16|INFO |SysProps |lax.root.install.dir= |D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote|
16|INFO |SysProps |lax.stderr.redirect= |console|
16|INFO |SysProps |lax.stdin.redirect= |null|
16|INFO |SysProps |lax.stdout.redirect= |console|
16|INFO |SysProps |lax.user.dir= |.|
16|INFO |SysProps |lax.version= |7.0|
16|INFO |SysProps |line.separator= |
16|INFO |SysProps |os.arch= |x86|
16|INFO |SysProps | |Windows XP|
16|INFO |SysProps |os.version= |5.1|
16|INFO |SysProps |path.separator= |;|
16|INFO |SysProps | |32|
16|INFO |SysProps |sun.boot.class.path= |D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\lib\rt.jar;D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\lib\i18n.jar;D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\lib\jsse.jar;D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\lib\jce.jar;D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\lib\charsets.jar;D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\classes|
16|INFO |SysProps |sun.boot.library.path= |D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote\jre\bin|
16|INFO |SysProps |sun.cpu.endian= |little|
16|INFO |SysProps |sun.cpu.isalist= |pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86|
16|INFO |SysProps |sun.desktop= |windows|
16|INFO |SysProps | |UnicodeLittle|
16|INFO |SysProps |sun.jnu.encoding= |Cp1252|
16|INFO |SysProps | |HotSpot Client Compiler|
16|INFO |SysProps |sun.os.patch.level= |Service Pack 3|
16|INFO |SysProps |swing.noxp= |true|
16|INFO |SysProps | |GB|
16|INFO |SysProps |user.dir= |D:\Program Files\Gallery Remote|
16|INFO |SysProps |user.home= |D:\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY|
16|INFO |SysProps |user.language= |en|
16|INFO |SysProps | |Andy|
16|INFO |SysProps |user.timezone= |Europe/London|
16|INFO |SysProps |user.variant= |null|
16|INFO |SysEnv |=::= |::\|
16|INFO |SysEnv |ALLUSERSPROFILE= |D:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS|
16|INFO |SysEnv |APPDATA= |D:\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY\Application Data|
16|INFO |SysEnv |CLASSPATH= |.;D:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\lib\ext\|
16|INFO |SysEnv |CLIENTNAME= |Console|
16|INFO |SysEnv |ComSpec= |D:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe|
16|INFO |SysEnv |CommonProgramFiles= |D:\Program Files\Common Files|
16|INFO |SysEnv |HOMEDRIVE= |D:|
16|INFO |SysEnv |HOMEPATH= |\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY|
16|INFO |SysEnv |MAKEMSI_DB_COMPARE_TEMPLATE.MSI= |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\UiSample.MSI|
16|INFO |SysEnv |MAKEMSI_DIR= |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\|
16|INFO |SysEnv |MAKEMSI_MSIVAL2_DIR= |D:\Program Files\MSIVAL2|
16|INFO |SysEnv |OS= |Windows_NT|
16|INFO |SysEnv |PPWIZARD_INCLUDE= |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\|
16|INFO |SysEnv |PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER= |x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6, GenuineIntel|
16|INFO |SysEnv |Path= |D:\WINDOWS\system32;D:\WINDOWS;D:\WINDOWS\system32\WBEM;D:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;D:\Program Files\xampp\php\;D:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\;D:\Program Files\Common Files\Teleca Shared|
16|INFO |SysEnv |ProgramFiles= |D:\Program Files|
16|INFO |SysEnv |QTJAVA= |D:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\lib\ext\|
16|INFO |SysEnv |REGINA_MACROS= |D:\Program Files\MakeMsi\|
16|INFO |SysEnv |SESSIONNAME= |Console|
16|INFO |SysEnv |SystemDrive= |D:|
16|INFO |SysEnv |SystemRoot= |D:\WINDOWS|
16|INFO |SysEnv |TMP= |D:\DOCUME~1\ANDY~1.SPE\LOCALS~1\Temp|
16|INFO |SysEnv |USERNAME= |Andy|
16|INFO |SysEnv |USERPROFILE= |D:\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY|
16|INFO |SysEnv |com.adobe.versioncue.client.applocale= |en_US|
16|INFO |SysEnv |com.adobe.versioncue.client.appname= |AdobeDrive|
16|INFO |SysEnv |com.adobe.versioncue.client.appversion= |1.0.0|
16|INFO |SysEnv |windir= |D:\WINDOWS|
16|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find in Classpath
31|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find D:\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY\.GalleryRemote\ in Classpath
31|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find D:\Documents and Settings\Andy.SPEEDY\.GalleryRemote\ in Current Working Dir
31|TRACE|UsrProps |aboutText= |Gallery Remote

A part of the Gallery Open-Source Project

Maintained by:

Pierre-Luc Paour

Initial version by Chris Smith


Tim Miller
Dolan Halbrook
Markus Cozowicz
Scott Gartner
Amedeo Paglione
Chris Schwerdt
Seth Ladd

Artwork by Ross A. Reyman

Bundled software:

Java look and feel Graphics Repository icons
jpegtran, Guido Vollbeding's version
SaverBeans| [defaults]
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47|TRACE|UsrProps |suppressWarningJpegtran= |false| [defaults]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |thumbnailSize= |64,64| [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |toSysOut= |false| [defaults]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |type.0= |Standalone| [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |type.1= |Standalone| [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |type.2= |Standalone| [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |uiLocale= || [defaults]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |uiLocaleDev= |false| [defaults]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |updateCheck= |true| [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |updateCheckBeta= |true| [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |updateUrl= || [defaults]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |updateUrlBeta= || [defaults]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |url.0= || [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |url.1= || [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |url.2= || [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |useJavaResize= |true| [defaults]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |useProxy= |false| [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |username.0= |galleryadmin| [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |username.1= |admin| [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |username.2= |admin| [user]
47|TRACE|UsrProps |version= |1.5.1-b43| [defaults]
109|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find Gallery Remote.lax in Classpath
109|INFO |Update |LAX classpath up to date
922|INFO |GRI18n |en_GB
938|INFO |ImageUtils|tmpDir: D:\DOCUME~1\ANDY~1.SPE\LOCALS~1\Temp\thumbs-Andy
938|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find imagemagick/ in Current Working Dir
938|INFO |ImageUtils|useIM: true
938|INFO |ImageUtils|imPath: convert.exe
938|INFO |ImageUtils|imIgnoreErrorCode: false
938|TRACE|ImageUtils|Executing reg query HKLM\Software\ImageMagick\Current /v BinPath
969|TRACE|ImageUtils|Err: Error: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value
969|TRACE|ImageUtils|Returned with value 1
984|TRACE|ImageUtils|Executing regedit /E "D:\DOCUME~1\ANDY~1.SPE\LOCALS~1\Temp\gr_regdump7090.tmp" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ImageMagick\Current"
1000|TRACE|ImageUtils|Returned with value 0
1000|TRACE|ImageUtils|Executing [convert.exe]
1031|TRACE|ImageUtils|Err: Must specify a file system
1031|TRACE|ImageUtils|Returned with value 4
1031|CRITI|ImageUtils|ImageMagick doesn't seem to be working. Disabling
1078|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find jpegtran/ in Current Working Dir
1078|INFO |ImageUtils|useJpegtran: true
1078|INFO |ImageUtils|jpegtranPath: jpegtran/win32/jpegtran.exe
1078|INFO |ImageUtils|jpegtranIgnoreErrorCode: false
1078|TRACE|PictInspec|emptyIconHeight: 14
1156|INFO |Gallery |Loaded saved URL 0: (galleryadmin/******)
1156|INFO |Gallery |Loaded saved URL 1: (admin/******)
1156|INFO |Gallery |Loaded saved URL 2: (admin/******)
1172|TRACE|MainFrame |updateGalleryParams: current gallery: virginias
1172|TRACE|MainFrame |updatePicturesList: current album: null
1859|TRACE|Update |Local release date: Tue Nov 25 00:00:00 GMT 2008 new: Tue Sep 20 00:00:00 BST 2005
2563|TRACE|Update |Local release date: Tue Nov 25 00:00:00 GMT 2008 new: Tue Nov 25 00:00:00 GMT 2008
4844|TRACE|MainFrame |Contents changed: javax.swing.event.ListDataEvent[type=0,index0=-1,index1=-1]
4844|TRACE|MainFrame |updateGalleryParams: current gallery: new temploc gallery
4844|TRACE|MainFrame |updatePicturesList: current album: null
5750|INFO |MainFrame |Command selected Fetch
5969|TRACE|GalComm |Trying Java 5 and 6 proxy class (
5969|TRACE|GalComm |Failed instantiationjava.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
5969|TRACE|GalComm |Trying Java 4 proxy class (
5969|TRACE|GalComm |Failed instantiationjava.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
6016|TRACE|GalComm |No proxy
6031|TRACE|GalComm |Trying protocol 2 for
6391|TRACE|GalComm |tryComm /gallery/gallery_remote2.php: 404
6391|TRACE|GalComm |Trying protocol 2.5 for
6625|TRACE|GalComm |tryComm /gallery/main.php?g2_controller=remote.GalleryRemote&g2_form[cmd]=no-op: 200
6625|TRACE|GalComm |Server has protocol 2.5
6641|INFO |MainFrame |fetchAlbums starting
6641|INFO |GalComm2 |Logging in to new temploc gallery
6641|TRACE|GalComm2 |login parameters: [HTTPClient.NVPair[name=cmd,value=login], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=protocol_version,value=2.3], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=uname,value=admin], null]
6641|TRACE|GalComm2 |Overriding form data: [HTTPClient.NVPair[name=g2_form[cmd],value=login], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=g2_form[protocol_version],value=2.3], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=g2_form[uname],value=admin], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=g2_form[password],value=callum2], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=g2_controller,value=remote.GalleryRemote], null]
6641|TRACE|GalComm2 |Connecting to:
6641|TRACE|GalComm2 |Path: /gallery/main.php
6641|TRACE|GalComm2 |Extra headers: [HTTPClient.NVPair[name=Connection,value=close], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=User-Agent,value=Gallery Remote 1.5.1-b43]]
7281|TRACE|GalComm2 |Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
7281|TRACE|GalComm2 |#__GR2PROTO__
status_text=Login successful.
7281|INFO |GalComm2 |Logged in
7281|TRACE|GalComm2 |Server minor version: 13
7281|TRACE|StatusBar |level: 1 - Fetching albums from new temploc gallery - 0
7281|TRACE|GalComm2 |fetchAlbums parameters: [HTTPClient.NVPair[name=cmd,value=fetch-albums-prune], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=protocol_version,value=2.3]]
7281|TRACE|GalComm2 |Overriding form data: [HTTPClient.NVPair[name=g2_form[cmd],value=fetch-albums-prune], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=g2_form[protocol_version],value=2.3], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=g2_controller,value=remote.GalleryRemote], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=g2_authToken,value=451faa726e3d]]
7281|TRACE|GalComm2 |Connecting to:
7281|TRACE|GalComm2 |Path: /gallery/main.php
7281|TRACE|GalComm2 |Extra headers: [HTTPClient.NVPair[name=Connection,value=close], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=User-Agent,value=Gallery Remote 1.5.1-b43]]
7922|TRACE|GalComm2 |Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
7922|TRACE|GalComm2 |#__GR2PROTO__
status_text=No viewable albums.
7922|TRACE|GalComm2 |Created 0 albums
7922|TRACE|GalComm2 |Linked 0 albums to their parents
7922|TRACE|GalComm2 |Ordered 0 albums
7922|INFO |GalComm2 |Fetched albums
7922|TRACE|StatusBar |level: 1 - Fetched albums - 0
7922|INFO |GalComm2 |execution time for AlbumList: 641
7922|TRACE|StatusBar |level: 0 - Fetch complete - 0
7922|TRACE|StatusBar |level: 0 - Select a Gallery URL and click Log in... - 0


Joined: 2008-03-06
Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-26 15:55

I'm still having this problem, now running gallery 2.3 (it did not help to upgrade) and remote I have found out in the log from the debug mode (se my message above) that the cause of the problem is that when fetching albums the progam switch to beeing logged in as guest, and thus no albums are shown, since guest-users don´t have permissons to upload pictures. If i give guest user full access to a album then that album is shown. I have read several postings on this issue, but no real answers how to fix it, preferably on the gallery side, since fixing it on the remote side in my case means fiddling with ten or more users computers. It is said to have something to do with cookies, can one make any adjustments on the web-server that helps?
This problem started after upgrading gallery remote to version 1.0.8