Why is my gallery blue?!


Joined: 2008-09-24
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2008-09-24 07:55

I have read your help Documentation and found the answer for this question, but I dont know where is the Configuration Wizard?!
I am using v1.5.2-pl2, and I am with Verio Hosting

Thank you

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Wed, 2008-09-24 08:19


first, please upgrade to Gallery 1.5.9 for security reasons.

You can reach the Configuration Wizard by going to http://www.your.gallery.com/setup/

Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6


Joined: 2008-09-24
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2008-09-24 17:27

Thank you but I tried to access the URL but it gave me this message:
"Reconfiguring Gallery through the configuration wizard has been disabled.
Please modify the /usr/home/divaae/etc/gallery.config.php to make the changes you need."

I dont understand this because I have installed this via Verio CP. Can you please guide me to the help document or suggest a way to solve this?

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Wed, 2008-09-24 20:32

Thats unnice. It means you don't have a config wizard :-(

I guess you want to change the skin?

Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6


Joined: 2008-09-24
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2008-10-02 19:54

Yes I do want to change the skin, meanwhile I want to know if it is possible if I let one of the Gallery guys upgrade my gallery for a fee?...
I have installed this gallery using Verio Control Panel, but unfortunately...I am not able to get support for the gallery because it is an old version, and Verio won't support the installation of the newer version...I am lost between the host company and the gallery creators

Any suggestion will be appreciated please.

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Fri, 2008-10-03 01:59


upgrading is very easy. Just copy the files from 1.5.9 overy your existing installation.

But we have also a so called "paid support".

Gallery Developer

David 365

Joined: 2008-04-25
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2008-10-29 19:56

I upgraded gallery to 1.5.9 and got through the config setup. However when i access the gallery it wants to upgrade the albums, which i do. It appears to upgrade the albums but will not save the upgrade.
It keeps going to upgrade.
Any help would be appreciated.

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Sun, 2008-11-02 15:09

Hi david,

how is your post related to the topic?
Please open your own new thread.

Gallery Developer