GR failed with a specific image


Joined: 2007-10-15
Posts: 14
Posted: Wed, 2008-09-10 13:29


I found a picture that Gallery Remote fails to upload with and HTTP 500 error from apache. The error might be with gallery more than with GR though...

Here is what I've done:
- tried uploading the picture from "Web Browser" in gallery interface => OK
- tried with gallery remote => HTTP 500 Internal Server Erros
- removed exif tag with jhead, then gallery remote upload => OK

Exiv2 returns a warning when reading the exif tag "Error: Directory Makernote with 18761 entries considered invalid; not read.
Warning: Failed to read Makernote, rc = 6"
However some other pictures produce the same error message with exiv2 and GR manages to upload them without any problem...

GalleryRemote version : 1.5b39 & 1.5 - same behavior
Gallery version : 2.2.5 & 2.3RC1 - same behavior

The log output is attached.

GalleryRemoteLog.txt21.41 KB