Add Item and Edit Album issues


Joined: 2008-09-09
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2008-09-09 16:27

Hi all. First off thanks for this great gallery.

Now I have the following issues.

1) I cant add the customfields to the upload page. Reading around and searching it seems that this is a global issue so now I don't feel to much like an idiot anymore.

First off is there some way of adding the custom fields to ItemAddFromBrowser.tpl I am not to clued up with coding but I am sure this should be achievable by all the gurus on site.
My feel is that one should be able to do this and then instead of The Save button on the Custom field page one can link the "Save" function to the Add Item Button on the upload page

If this is not possible is there a way I can remove the Edit Album function from my users page but still leave them the Edit Photo link, this way they can add the Custom Fields as per usual.

Basically what I want to do here is remove all the Edit Functions, ie, Edit Album, Edit Permissions from my users account and only leave them with Edit Photo link. This I think might be the easiest, but like I said I am no coder of sorts and only learn as I go along.