I've tried removing both WPG and gallery2 and reinstalling twice. I'm running WPG 3.0.7, Wordpress 2.6.1, and gallery2 2.2.5. Here's the error message I get on the front page of wordpress once I have WPG enabled:
Fatal G2 error
Here's the error from G2: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_medium.class at line 143 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 533 (GalleryUserHelper_medium::fetchUserByUserName)
* in /www/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2embed.inc at line 229 (GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserByUserName)
* in /www/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2embed.inc at line 110
* in /www/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2functions.inc at line 523
* in ??? at line 0
* in /www/wp-includes/plugin.php at line 311
* in /www/wp-includes/general-template.php at line 883
* in /www/wp-content/themes/daleri-sweet/header.php at line 13
* in /www/wp-includes/theme.php at line 472
* in /www/wp-includes/general-template.php at line 8
* in /www/wp-content/themes/daleri-sweet/index.php at line 1
* in /www/wp-includes/template-loader.php at line 27
* in /www/wp-blog-header.php at line 16
* in /www/index.php at line 17
Posts: 4
I have the same problem
Fatal G2 error
Here's the error from G2: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_medium.class at line 143 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 606 (galleryuserhelper_medium::fetchuserbyusername)
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2embed.inc at line 229 (gallerycoreapi::fetchuserbyusername)
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2embed.inc at line 110
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2functions.inc at line 523
* in ??? at line 0
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/wp-includes/plugin.php at line 311
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/wp-includes/general-template.php at line 883
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/wp-content/themes/amazing-grace/header.php at line 21
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/wp-includes/theme.php at line 472
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/wp-includes/general-template.php at line 8
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/wp-content/themes/amazing-grace/index.php at line 1
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/wp-includes/template-loader.php at line 27
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/wp-blog-header.php at line 16
* in /hsphere/local/home/cockeye/andrewmogford.com/index.php at line 17
Every time I enable the plugin it breaks the whole site. The gallery works, and worpress works, but the plugin breaks wordpress.
I am sure it is something stupid I have done - can anyone help?
Posts: 2
So I have some more information. I had done the above using a different account that had administrative priv. If I log into admin, the whole site works for the admin user. I log out and log in with the different accounts, but Users->Gallery2 users only show admin has an admin account and all the other accounts fall under Users without gallery2 accounts. Even the admin account says the WP<>G2 is incompatible, even though I've relogged in a couple times.
If I log off an account, the website is fine. If I log into admin, the website is fine. If I log in with any other account, the entire site is down.
Now, if I try to add a new user (admin priv), I get this error:
Fatal G2 error
Here's the error from G2: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_medium.class at line 143 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 606 (GalleryUserHelper_medium::fetchUserByUserName)
* in /www/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2embed.inc at line 229 (GalleryCoreApi::fetchUserByUserName)
* in ??? at line 0
* in /www/wp-includes/plugin.php at line 311
* in /www/wp-includes/registration.php at line 201
* in /www/wp-admin/includes/user.php at line 135
* in /www/wp-admin/includes/user.php at line 17
* in /www/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php at line 485
Posts: 1378
Please have a read of this thread
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 4
I did read that thread before I posted (I believe in the maxin search before you post
) but I don't understand how it applies to my situation?
I do not have two accounts with the same email address within wordpress. I have tried creating the same admin account in gallery and wordpress, and different admin accounts in both but I still get this problem......
As said I am sure I am being thick and it is relevant - but I just can't see it. Any advice would be appreciated.
Posts: 5
Hello there,
Seems to be a common problem, I am also getting this error message when trying to access any of the WPG2 tabs appart from the validation one and also when going to Gallery users tab. The entire site does not work if the plugin is activated. I am using Wordpress 2.61, wpg2.3.0.7 and I only have one user in my wordpress. Thanks in advance for any help.
Posts: 5
Sorry about not reading too much before posting. This issue was discussed here:
cockeye, installing this http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bluetrait-event-viewer/ fixed the problem for me. Hope it does for you too.
Posts: 4
Brilliant! That fixed it. Thank you!
Posts: 1378
Glad you got it sorted seriously do not idea why this would help you, the bluetrait event viewer just collects debug logs.. but heck since I cannot reproduce this issue anyway I glad you got it fixed..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 2
Hello everyone, thanks for all your efforts and I have been able to sit aside with wonder at your collective brains. Now I must belly up to the question bar myself. I have 2-3 of these configurations working right now, however I needed to reinstall one because of an error I made. I went back to the server and cleared the files from the database and did the installation identical to the other ones that are still working. I tried the hints offered here, and here is what I get (I have checked the dual registration, and it was there, changed the password and still getting this) I deactivated the plugin to see if the gallery installation was still operational and I get this error message: "Security Violation The action you attempted is not permitted.Back to the Gallery".
When I try to go to the Gallery here is what shows:
Fatal G2 error
Here's the error from G2: Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_medium.class at line 143 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 533 (galleryuserhelper_medium::fetchuserbyusername)
* in /home/content/j/e/f/jeffandpetya/html/arburyhills/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2embed.inc at line 229 (gallerycoreapi::fetchuserbyusername)
* in /home/content/j/e/f/jeffandpetya/html/arburyhills/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2embed.inc at line 110
* in /home/content/j/e/f/jeffandpetya/html/arburyhills/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2template.inc at line 46
* in ??? at line 0
* in /home/content/j/e/f/jeffandpetya/html/arburyhills/wp-includes/plugin.php at line 311
* in /home/content/j/e/f/jeffandpetya/html/arburyhills/wp-includes/template-loader.php at line 7
* in /home/content/j/e/f/jeffandpetya/html/arburyhills/wp-blog-header.php at line 16
* in /home/content/j/e/f/jeffandpetya/html/arburyhills/index.php at line 17
The brain is mush now. Any help--thanks in advance. It installed perfectly the first time. I cannot remember doing anything differently.
PS you cannot post sensibly here with a Vista Ultimate/Internet Explorer 8 Beta. It was not too friendly
Posts: 8
Well, installing that logger fixed it for me too.
My install is 3.6.1 / 3.0.7 on Dreamhost - seems to have fixed it. The whole WordPress broke with the G2 missing object error.
Posts: 2
I just went ahead and wrote a new database and reinstalled it all. Worked fine. Case closed!
Posts: 72
I also got the same error when creating users. I am using wordpress 2.6.2 and wpg2 3.07. I installed the debug logger and the error went away. However I still checked the logs and this is what I saw
[type] => ERROR
[date] => 2008-10-13 21:39:50
[source] => /home/ryanmc/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2embed.inc
[file_line] => 1092
[user_id] => 1
[ip_address] =>
[event_id] => 1811
[event_no] => 256
[trace] => #0 btev_error_report(256, WPG2 G2 USER (WP:598) COULD NOT BE CREATED DUE TO PWD HASHING, /home/ryanmc/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2embed.inc, 1092) called at [/home/ryanmc/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bluetrait-event-viewer/btev.php:1099]
#1 btev_trigger_error(WPG2 G2 USER (WP:598) COULD NOT BE CREATED DUE TO PWD HASHING, 256, /home/ryanmc/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2embed.inc) called at [/home/ryanmc/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpg2/wpg2embed.inc:252]
#2 g2_create_user(598) called at [(null):0]
#3 call_user_func_array(g2_create_user, Array ([0] => 598)) called at [/home/ryanmc/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php:311]
#4 do_action(user_register, 598) called at [/home/ryanmc/public_html/wp-includes/registration.php:201]
#5 wp_insert_user(Array ([user_login] => test,[role] => subscriber,[user_email] =>
,[user_url] => http://,[first_name] => test,[last_name] => test,[rich_editing] => true,[admin_color] => fresh,[user_pass] => test)) called at [/home/ryanmc/public_html/wp-admin/includes/user.php:135]
#6 edit_user() called at [/home/ryanmc/public_html/wp-admin/includes/user.php:17]
#7 add_user() called at [/home/ryanmc/public_html/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:485]
Also I checked the Gallery2 Users in wordpress and at the very bottom it lists this user and under the "WP<>G2 Password Encryption" heading it says "incompatible".
Posts: 1
I had the same problem. Looks like there was a problem with authentication between g2 and wp.
I created a user in g2 with the same username/password as the one i use in wordpress.
that fixed my problem.
WP 2.7.1 / G 2.2.6