(solved)Updating Google Map Module

gaynormcc's picture

Joined: 2003-09-05
Posts: 426
Posted: Mon, 2008-08-04 00:04

I have been away from Gallery work for some months, during which I have lost all my instructions of what to do with the Map module.
My son is likely to be upgrading my Gallery programme soon, and as i want continuious access to my Goodle Map, linked from my website, www.piopionz.com , I believe I shoud update the Google Maps Module first.

I am trying to find out how to do it.

I have found tortoise and downloaded the files.

Must go out now so will get back to this in a few hours, and would love some direction of how to use the tortoise etc and get the latest module please.


Relevant Modules I have activated
Google Map Module 0.5.2a
Custom Fields 1.0.5

Gallery version = 2.1 core 1.1.0
PHP version = 4.3.11 apache
Webserver = Apache
Database = mysql 4.1.20-max-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, NetPBM, Thumbnail, Exif
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux web115.opentransfer.com #2 Wed Jan 4 22:51:21 CST 2006 i686
Default theme = PGtheme
Locale = en_GB
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Paradise.net; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2008-08-04 04:54
Gallery version = 2.1 core 1.1.0

I would upgrade G2 then you can upgrade the map module via downloadbale plugins

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team

gaynormcc's picture

Joined: 2003-09-05
Posts: 426
Posted: Mon, 2008-08-04 06:19

Thanks Floridave,
MY son Karl is now with my daughter in UK and I have asked him to update my galleries before he gets wanderlust again

One of you told me a while back that I need to upgrade MYSQL and PHP versions too, and Karl thinks we may have to wait for the Hosting people to do that on their server.
I gather he will have asked them to do so
