"Dismiss" after successful photo upload?
Joined: 2003-07-24
Posts: 196 |
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Hello! About three weeks ago with several hours of reading here and troubleshooting, I successfully setup a gallery on my webpage! Since then, I haven't had a chance to really add photos or do much else. Well, yesterday I setup another installation of gallery on the same server (much easier this time :D ) and noticed that after the photo is uploaded (either from the hard drive or using the http:// option) that the window status window still remains and I must click the "Dismiss" button even though everything appears to have worked correctly. I don't remember having to do this a few weeks ago when I uploaded a couple of test pictures to the first gallery I created. Because I wasn't sure if this was normal, I tried uploading a photo to the gallery I created a few weeks ago and the same thing happens... I have to click the "Dismiss" button for this gallery as well. I realize this isn't a big deal but since I am thinking I didn't have to do this previously and I couldn't find anything about this being a normal "thing," my question is fairly simple... Is it normal to have to click the "Dismiss" button after each photo upload session? If not, could it have something to do with me installing another gallery? I have it, of course, installed in a different folder but I am using separate instances of netpbm, jhead, etc. What I mean by that is that I have netpbm and jhead loaded in each of the different gallery folders and each gallery points to its own netpbm and jhead files. Even if this isn't what is causing my "Dismiss" button problem (assuming it's even a problem!) is this a smart thing to do or should I just have each gallery installation point to the same netpbm and jhead folder (even if loaded in another gallery downstream folder)? Thanks for any advice! I know a little about computers in general and can make web pages and upload them using FTP, but php and "server stuff" is completely new territory for me so I'm on a steep learning curve The two gallery installations I'm talking about are here. Nothing really in them but this will show you the folder/directory layout... http://www.extreme-z.com/jef/gallery/ |
Posts: 8194
Yes, this is expected
Ask in the Customization Forum if you'd like help to turn it off, but poke around the code first, you'll probably be able to figure it out
Posts: 196
Thank you much, joyoflinux! I guess instead of me having a problem, I'm just losing my mind... not sure which I like better :D
Posts: 196
Now that my main concern has been solved, does anybody have any input on how I have each gallery using its own "copy" of netbpm and jhead? Is this the way it should be done or should I change the one gallery to point to the other directories/folders so I only have one instance of the files on my web page server?
Posts: 3473
Note that the reason to have "Dismiss" is you can see which images uploaded, and which ones had problems.
For you 2nd question, start a new thread
Posts: 196
Ahh... makes sense
Will do!
Also, you have already answered many of my questions, joan, when I was using the search feature a few weeks ago trying to setup my gallery. So thanks for helping me when you didn't even know it :D
Posts: 13451
zman, i am impressed. Someone actually used the search option!!! Excellent!
Posts: 196
Hey hObbel! I feel like I already know ya because you rank right up there with joan in that many of the issues I ran into, you answered the question for somebody else already!
As for the search feature... a very valuable tool! I moderate a couple forums at an very large and popular message board. Many questions asked in my forums have been answered before and the person could get what he/she is looking for much quicker had they only clicked that little search button first ;)
Thanks again! You guys will be hearing from me often I fear. I have a couple things I can't get figured out. Once I get those items figured out I'm going to start diving into modifying gallery a bit and installing some of the "hacks" to better suit what I'd like it to do. I'm then going to covert one of the areas of my web sites over to Gallery. This site gets 300 to 500 unique visits a day with thousands of hits. I'm definitely excited to get my project finished and implemented... it's going to be SO much better and easier for me to maintain than what I have now. Gallery is an amazing program and from what I've seen here is supported by some amazing people. So, a big thanks from me and keep up the good work!