Validation Page is Blank
Joined: 2008-07-24
Posts: 36 |
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I am running WP 2.6 and WPG2 3.07 and Gallery 2.2 I have set all the paths as they should be, yet when I click on WPG2 in the admin area, all I get is a blank page, as shown: [img][/img] I have removed and reinstalled twice now, and I can't seem to find the issue. The one thing that looks peculiar, is if I pull the page source from this page, the last lines are Quote:
</ul> As if something is dying in the code. Any ideas? TIA! |
Posts: 35
What is the other Gallery plug in you have, I notice an extra tab "Gallery" in your screan shot ?
Maybe there is some conflict, can you deactivate it ? if so does it help ?
Also, do you know what your php memory limit is set at on your server ?
To find php memory limit:
make a file called info.php (or what ever you want to call it)
the file must contain this script
upload it to your server and then point your browser to the file.
A heap of info will be displayed, look for
and let us know what it is ?
You could also check out the error log on your server to see what error is being reported
Posts: 36
The other gallery is NG Gallery (NextGEN Gallery). Even with this disabled, it does not help.
I loaded a phpinfo file, and it does not show what the memory limit is. IIRC with Godaddy the standard PHP memory limit is 16MB but I'm not 100% sure. If you want to look, and see what's in my php info, you can go to
Maybe this will help?
I added php_value memory_limit = 32M to my php.ini file, and still run into the same issue.
Posts: 1378
Blank Page during the validation could be caused by a number of different factors. First and foremost an fatal issue with Gallery2. Please install, activate the BTEV Logging plugin and then try to validate the WPG2 plugin and attach a copy of the debug log
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 35
I'm guessing your memory limit might be 16M, I could be wrong! This can still cause problems with WPG2, it did for me even when I tried to force a larger limit in the ini and .htaccess However I was able to validate WPG2, just had problems when loading WPG2 pages.
Best thing is to check your error log to see if you have any 500 internal server errors.
Or Better still, install the logging plugin as per ozgreg's post above.
Its a good idea to remover the info.php file now or rename/hide it, you don't really want it made public.
Posts: 36
I left the info.php for you guys to take a look. I have since removed the file.
After I installed the BTEV plugin, I get the following when I go to the WPG2 page for validation:
Posts: 35
Try deactivating the WPG2 plug in in wordpress plugins
Click this link
and do the install process, then reactivate the wpg2 plugin
Let us know how you go ?
Posts: 36
Same thing. Still nothing on the validation.
Posts: 35
When I direct my browser to your gallery2 index.php
I get redirected to the install page
This indicates to me that gallery2 is still not installed, did you go through the entire install ? where there any problems allong the way ?
Are you able to access gallery2 your self ?
Posts: 36
I should mention, that I set this up as a multisite Gallery. My actual gallery is at
So yes, I can.
Posts: 35
is it posible you have the gallery2 files uploaded to two different folders ?
in ../gizmokid2005/html/gallery2/
Some other folder like ../gizmokid2005/gallery2/ created for the subdomain
Posts: 36
No. The root of my hosting in reference to the box it is on is:
I can't put anything below the html directory as there is no access per the hosting that I have with Godaddy.
I created the gallery2 folder and pointed the subdomain there.
WAIT!!!!! I got it!!!
I have the gallery2 folder on my domain as the core files for any other galleries I put on my site. actually points to the /home/content/g/i/z/gizmokid2005/html/gallery/ folder on my hosting. So I changed that path in the WPG2 plugin and all seems to be working well!!!
if you want to look:
I now have to modify the header/css so that there isn't so much distortion of the gallery page inside WP. But all seems to be well now.
If anyone has a specific place I should look/file I should modify to get the WPG2 page to not distort so much, that would help. But for now, the original issue is now solved!!!
Thanks for the help!!!
Posts: 35
Thats great!
Log into your gallery2 site admin and have a play with your theme settings, you should be able to set the width. You could also edit your theme.css
You can also edit your theme.css file to create styling that suits your site.
Depending on what you are wanting to do, a different gallery theme may even suit better.
Posts: 35
As a side note:
I notices the doctype is not valid for your site
You should be able to fix this by editing you wordpress theme / header.php file
At the top you have
change it to
Good luck with the styling, checking out how others have styled can help with ideas, here is mine
Posts: 1378
Well done
Nice spot and glad you have it all working..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 36
Thanks to both of you!
I will go through and make the template modifications today if I get a chance, and also update the DOCTYPE also.
/Happy Gallery user