Access Control: Album viewable to all, but Content of the album not- HOWTO?


Joined: 2008-07-16
Posts: 29
Posted: Wed, 2008-07-23 21:18

hello everybody,

I'm quite not sure, if gallery is the stupid part or its me??

I have some albums in my gallery2, I dont want that guests can see the contents of these albums.

let me show:

-> Album1
-> Album2
---> Album21
---> Album22
---> Album23
---> Album24
---> (a lot of...)
---> Album2N

-> AlbumN

I want that the content of all bold albums are not for guests viewable. they should get a login prompt.

But, when guests are in Album2, they should see the album-thumbs of all bold albums.

I tryd a lot of, but I was not able to reach this with the rights control.

Thanks for help!!
Best Regards

Using Gallery-Version = 2.2.4 Kern

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2008-07-23 23:51

G2 does not have 'look but don't touch' type of permissions.
I am a bit confused though..... You say; all bold albums are not for guests viewable. they should get a login prompt. but album 21 is bold and then you say when guests are in Album21, they should see the album-thumbs of all bold albums.. How can a guest be in album21 when you want them to be presented with a login prompt?

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team


Joined: 2008-07-16
Posts: 29
Posted: Thu, 2008-08-28 08:45


oh sorry, this was a bad typo mistake!!
Of course I mean ALBUM2. Not 21.

So, it make more sense, right?
With single albums this kind of permissions are possible, but whats about apply this on a lot of..?

How is this possible?

Thanks & Greets