All interested parties: Regarding IE and login:
Just so ya'll know, this is not specific to Gallery. It has also been an issue in Drupal and more recently in Wordpress. I'm going to collect statistics on versions for a while and see if there is a pattern. If you have this issue it would be helpful for you to post your full IE version number for reference.
See this article on how to correctly identify the IE version Please also include your Windows version; 2000, NT, XP, or Vista. I won't even mess with 95, 98 or ME
Postscript after napping on the issue:
If any of you have an Apache web server that can reproduce the error, whether with Gallery or not, it might be helpful if you can install and run snort to capture and show us more data. Send me private mail here if you can reproduce this error and I'll send you additional information to make it work. Then you can do your broken login thing, zip up the log or dump, send them to me and be satisfied in knowing you've helped society as a whole become a more cohesive group, and Gallery become a better product. Sorry for editing this so much, I'll see if I can make it sticky.
Things you can try:
Check to be sure cookies are enabled, clear your caches and note any recent IE7 updates from Microsoft in any replies. I don't experience the issue but I've read that it may have something to do with which browser is the default. Try setting IE as default and see if that makes any difference. Then try it with Firefox as the default.
Did you add any Active-X controls lately? See IE7 "tools -> Internet options -> programs -> manage Addons" to see which add-ons are loaded.
Lastly, but not least, get a virus scanner, set it to scan your entire computer on reboot and let it scan the entire thing. I use Avast. You can download a free home version here. Make sure it updates to the current virus database first.
Ok, so much for MY thought process... I just installed G2v224 from scratch, new database, empty data folder etc. Same results, I couldn't log on using IE v7 but had no problem from work with IE v6. So it would appear this is not directly an issue with some difference between v224 and v225. Of course I don't understand changes that might be made to something somewhere during the upgrade process to either v225 or the rc version I tried that might not have been undone. That doesn't sound likely to me, but as I've said before I'm not a guru by any stretch.
Just out out of curiosity, did you try installing v2.3rc1 at any time? And have you used any version of Gallery Remote between the time period when things were working fine for you and when you started having the issue?
Joined: 2003-02-27
Posts: 54
Posted: Wed, 2008-09-10 05:32
@Gork: I'm still on 2.2.4. I only started using Gallery Remote when the problems showed up. I normally use the XP upload publish (which doesn't work with this problem).
BTW for all, I changed my MTU from 1500 to 1400 (as suggested in one of the Google articles) and that didn't seem to help.
Joined: 2008-09-09
Posts: 85
Posted: Wed, 2008-09-10 06:50
Well that pretty much blows holes in every last theory I had. (I'm not sure how I thought everything was working fine with IE7 before I upgraded G2 from v224 - I still recall using it fine with v224 on IE7! /sigh) I'll stop trying to mess around with Gallery Remote as a possible problem and will stop considering the possibility that v2.3rc1 caused any lingering problems somehow. If I can come up with any other ideas I'll play around with things and post the results here. I'll keep following the thread as well.
If I can help with trying anything else out do let me know.
Joined: 2008-09-12
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2008-09-12 16:36
I've solved the problem, at least on two of my machines...
I tried everything, including:
1. Disabling all add-ons
2. Disabling all toolbars
3. Upgrading from 2.2.4 to 2.2.5
4. Removing several MS Updates
5. Used - (Using this worked, letting me login)
After using worked, I used 2 different machines to login to or at least attempt to login to my gallery. I noticed the one without the GoogleT5 in the header information was working and the only other two difference was that InfoPath was 1 on the working machine and 2 on the one that was not. The .Net Frameworks were slightly different but I was/am also throwing into the mess 3 different Operating Systems.
Figuring the Google Toolbar was the easiest to deal with, I removed it from the Windows XP Pro machine first, in other words, uninstalled from Add/Remove Programs in the control panel, restarted the browser and Boom - it worked. I turned over to the Windows 2008 Server machine and did the same thing, uninstalling Google Toolbar. Boom, that worked too.
I've not yet dove into why or what the version differences are between the previous version of the toolbar and the one that auto-updated but for now, it has solved my problem and I can move forward with testing - it may not be a bad idea to see if we can't find something on Google's Groups or start a thread in hopes to get something from Google on potential causes.
Anyhow...I hope that helps some of you!
On a side note, I installed a previous version of the toolbar and it worked as well, so evidently it is something with the T5.
Joined: 2006-07-17
Posts: 23
Posted: Sat, 2008-09-13 01:47
If this helps anyone, I was having the same problem and I tried everything I could find here on how to reset the password and nothing worked. EXCEPT changing browsers. I found that it worked for me after I tried to login via Firefox 2 versus Firefox 3. It could likely be something with the add-ons, as already mentioned, but I wasn't willing to keep shutting off/on my installed F3 add-ons, so I just keep F2 installed and use it whenever I need to do admin work. I can note that add-on's or not, I experienced other problems in other applications using F3 when it first came out, and this was when I used no add-ons - so there also the possibility that there's something in the F3 code that doesn't agree with G2.
Holy crap, I nearly had a heart attack when I couldn't get in after trying everything I could find in these forums... good luck.
Joined: 2008-09-09
Posts: 85
Posted: Sat, 2008-09-13 03:25
Thanks mbmarquart... I had actually thought about uninstalling Google Toolbar just to see what would happen but figured that was somehow taken care of when I started IE with no addons etc enabled. But, apparently not. I had the same results as you - I completely uninstalled Google Toolbar using the add/remove programs applet in WinXP and was able to log on to Gallery2 with no problems.
I wasn't even aware there had been an update to toolbar - I have to admit I'm very bad and don't keep track of what it's doing like I do most other programs. Probably the WORST company to trust, eh?
Now I want to know WHY Google Toolbar is causing this problem, but as you say that sounds like something Google needs to figure out if they want to continue to glean their all important data from us Gallery2/IE users.
Joined: 2003-02-27
Posts: 54
Posted: Sat, 2008-09-13 03:35
Holy crap I can't believe it was the stupid toolbar all this time!!! Ugh! I uninstalled and also have no problems logging in anymore! strange...
Okay, so I uninstalled Google Toolbar v5BETA and installed Toolbar v4 and I AM able to login. So it's the stupid beta...ugh...if you want the previous version, go here:
Can someone else confirm that they ARE having the problem with v5 and are NOT having the problem with v4?
Joined: 2008-09-12
Posts: 7
Posted: Sat, 2008-09-13 03:57
I'm with you GravityArc, v4 works as well as v3 does too. So all things point towards v5 Beta - hopefully it is something the fix prior to the official release. I'm going to do a little dabbling in v4 to see if there is something that auto-updates as well as see if something in v5 handles cookies and browser information differently. I would expect this from a Microsoft Live toolbar or a Hotbar or something...but NOT a Google Toolbar.
Confirmed. I uninstalled Google Toolbar beta v5 and installed v4 and, still using IE7, the problem with failing to be able to log into Gallery2 went away.
I posted a little something in that toolbar forum thread you linked, complete with a typo and everything! (I can't figure out how to edit the message to fix it.) Anyway, I probably could have been a bit more thorough with my post though so if someone else wants to step up to the plate as well it might help a bit more.
(And thank GOD I can edit my posts here...)
EDIT: (lol)
The "broken" version of Toolbar beta I was using:
Version: 5.0.2000.5344-big/en (GGLL)
Notifier Version: 4.1.509.5470
The version I "downgraded" to:
Version: 4.0.1602.35650-big/en (GPTB)
Joined: 2008-09-09
Posts: 85
Posted: Sat, 2008-09-13 09:32
Back, and with bad news...
I rebooted and the issue came back. I had Google Toolbar completely uninstalled on one computer and had uninstalled v5 and reinstalled v4 of the Google Toolbar on the other before rebooting. Both computers won't let me log back in to Gallery2 after rebooting them.
I got tired of the whole thing and after rebooting installed FireFox v3.0.1. I have never used FF before, but was unable to log in to Gallery2 even with FF either. I rebooted and tried again with FF, no go. Same deal after installing Safari.
Joined: 2008-09-12
Posts: 7
Posted: Sat, 2008-09-13 11:43
.Gork, interested in your scenario of the problem resurfacing after rebooting, I went through what you just did, uninstalling/reinstalling and rebooting and currently have v4 installed and am able to get in using IE7?
Joined: 2008-09-09
Posts: 85
Posted: Sat, 2008-09-13 11:57
Well, I just came back to add a "disregard post" to my last post, though I'm still a bit confused about what's going on over here - some kind of a bug somewhere within the apps that work together to make Gallery2 work... But I'm not smart enough to figure it out and I'm giving up. (It seems more like a 'bug' in Gallery2 that came up when I tried to do too many things too quickly within the software.)
I ran into several errors trying to upload a large movie file to my Gallery2 site and ended up with a re-produceable error I couldn't get around without a full new install of Gallery2 (using my same database and data folder). I can't really say where the problem occurred 'cuz I was trying so many different things to try to upload the large file, including updating the php config file and trying most of the options available in the Gallery2 interface. I guess I confused something by trying too many options to upload the file!
After installing Gallery2 afresh everything works fine, using Google Toolbar v4.x on both systems even after rebooting. Of course, my themes and what have you in Gallery2 are all reset, but it's a small price to pay for feeling like perhaps things are working again. So I'm back to being in agreement with regard to Google Toolbar v5beta causing the issue.
Now I have FF, Safari and IE installed on my VMware system. lol
Joined: 2007-04-16
Posts: 172
Posted: Sun, 2008-09-14 00:44
Gork wrote:
I posted a little something in that toolbar forum thread you linked, complete with a typo and everything! (I can't figure out how to edit the message to fix it.)
See the "edit" link at the bottom of the page you just wrote? Just after you save it.
"blink, blink..." As long as you are logged in as the same person who wrote it you can edit it for a few days. I don't know how long before it locks them but it seems like it's about 7 days.
I just edited this post to include this line
Joined: 2008-09-09
Posts: 85
Posted: Sun, 2008-09-14 06:10
fwiw... I'm sitting on a different computer at work today and noticed that I couldn't log in to my Gallery2 page. This is on IE6 with Google Toolbar v5beta installed. I "downgraded" Google Toolbar to v4 and it works fine.
I was referring to my post on the Google forum and I couldn't find an edit button anywhere. I actually ended up deleting the post and re-writing it.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2008-09-14 22:34
Gork, GravityArc, mbmarquart:
We're trying to reproduce this issue and it would be great to get more detailed information from you.
- Which exact G2 version are you using?
- Which G2 theme are you using?
- Can you reproduce the problem with the below mentioned Gallery 2 installation?
Please try it without Google toolbar installed, with toolbar in version 4 and with the beta of version 5. Does it work in all cases? In which cases doesn't it work?
Can you reproduce the problem with the below mentioned Gallery 2 installation?
OS Info:
OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name BCOM-1
System Manufacturer ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
System Model K8V-MX
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 44 Stepping 2 AuthenticAMD ~1400 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 1009.002, 8/3/2005
SMBIOS Version 2.3
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)"
User Name BCOM-1\Dave
Time Zone Mountain Daylight Time
Total Physical Memory 1,024.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 223.24 MB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
Page File Space 1.51 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
IE version:
Version 7.0.5730.11
Build 75730
Application Path C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer
Language English (United States)
Active Printer Canon Bubble-Jet BJC-1000,winspool,LPT1:
Cipher Strength 128-bit
Content Advisor Disabled
IEAK Install No
Steps to reproduce:
1. IE no toolbar works fine
2. IE, download version 4 of the toolbar, login, works fine
3. Logout
4. download toolbar V5 (IE is requested to restart) so I restart IE.
5. attempt to log in; can't login
6. Uninstall google toolbar from; control panel add remove programes.
6a. Toolbar in IE disappears ( no restart )
7. Still can't login
8. Restart IE and I can log in
Gallery version = 2.2.4 core
PHP version = 5.2.0 cgi
Webserver = Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 mod_gzip/ mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.28 OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP-CGI/0.1b
Database = mysql 4.1.22-standard-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = Exif, NetPBM, Thumbnail, LinkItemToolkit, ImageMagick, ArchiveUpload
Acceleration = none/3600, none/3600
Operating system = Linux 2.6.9-67.0.22.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jul 23 17:30:51 EDT 2008 i686
Default theme = matrix
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 107
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 9582
Rows in GalleryUser table = 104
Rows in GalleryItem table = 9577
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 258
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
valiant wrote:
- Which G2 theme are you using?
Default theme = matrix
valiant wrote:
- Can you reproduce the problem with the below mentioned Gallery 2 installation?
Please try it without Google toolbar installed, with toolbar in version 4 and with the beta of version 5. Does it work in all cases? In which cases doesn't it work?
No Google Toolbar: Everything Works
Google Toolbar v4.0.1602.35650-big/en (GPTB): Everything Works
Google Toolbar v5.0.2000.5344-big/en (GGLL): Cannot login
Windows Info: Windows XP Professional v2002 Service Pack 3
Internet Explorer Info: 7.0.5730.11
Let me know if you need any more info (client-side tcpdump, etc).
Joined: 2008-09-09
Posts: 85
Posted: Mon, 2008-09-15 06:09
valiant wrote:
Can you reproduce the problem with the below mentioned Gallery 2 installation?
Aye. I have reproduced the problem on a machine at work running IE6 on WinXP SP3, a machine running on IE7 on WinXP SP3 at home and on a VMware virtual machine running WinXP SP3 with IE7.
The following is the information from my actual computer at home. This is the one which runs Gallery2 on IIS, and my main test platform from IE with this issue as well. The information comes from MY installation of Gallery2:
Gallery version = 2.2.5 core
PHP version = 5.2.6 isapi
Webserver = Microsoft-IIS/5.1
Database = mysqli 5.0.51b-community-nt, lock.system=database
Toolkits = Exif, LinkItemToolkit, Thumbnail, Gd
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Windows NT 5.1 build 2600 (WinXP SP3)
Default theme = matrix
gettext = disabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648)
I was able to get MY Gallery2 installation to work properly on all three platforms with no Google Toolbar installed. I was able to get Gallery2 to work properly on all three platforms with Google Toolbar v4 installed. Gallery2 would not work on any of the three platforms with Google Toolbar v5beta installed.
Using the link you provided for testing purposes on my IE7 WinXP VMware installation:
No Google Toolbar: Works fine
Installed Google Toolbar v5.0.2000.5344, restarted IE: Unable to log in
Uninstalled Google Toolbar v5.x via the add/remove programs option in the control panel. Restarted IE and was again able to log on to the test site (GTB not installed at this point).
Installed Google Toolbar v4.0.1602.35650, restarted IE7: No problem logging in to the test site.
If I forgot to post any information you asked for please let me know. (I'm a 911 operator and was interrupted about 1,384 times while trying to post this. lol)
Joined: 2008-09-12
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2008-09-15 13:53
Greetings Again,
Gallery2 Maintenance Information (Running in Google Chrome):
Get system details; useful for copy/paste into G2 support forum.
Last Run Details:
Gallery version = 2.2.5 core
PHP version = 4.4.9 cgi
Webserver = Apache/1.3.34 Ben-SSL/1.55
Database = mysqlt 5.0.67-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Getid3, LinkItemToolkit, NetPBM, Thumbnail, Gd, ImageMagick
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux infong 2.4 #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 22:34:10 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
Default theme = siriux
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 46
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 478
Rows in GalleryUser table = 5
Rows in GalleryItem table = 472
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 13
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
Gallery2 Maintenance Information (Running in IE7):
Last Run Details:
Gallery version = 2.2.5 core
PHP version = 4.4.9 cgi
Webserver = Apache/1.3.34 Ben-SSL/1.55
Database = mysqlt 5.0.67-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Getid3, LinkItemToolkit, NetPBM, Thumbnail, Gd, ImageMagick
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux infong 2.4 #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 22:34:10 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
Default theme = siriux
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.2)
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 46
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 478
Rows in GalleryUser table = 5
Rows in GalleryItem table = 472
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 13
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
Theme Information: Same Results with Matrix, Siriux and Modified Siriux
With Google Toolbar v4 - Everything works normal (making sure the Google Updater does not automatically update the bar to v5)
With Google Toolbar v5 - Unable to login in IE7, entering username and password just returns you to the enter username and password page with empty fields.
With NO Google Toolbar - Everything works normal
Worth mentioning, as I posted above the maintenance information from inside of Chrome, it's funny that it works okay in Chrome, presumably implementing similar technology and programming as the v5 Toolbar does but installation and use of the v5 Toolbar in IE wreaks havoc.
Joined: 2007-04-16
Posts: 172
Posted: Mon, 2008-09-15 15:27
Duplicated here on RC-1 as well.
Interesting difference though. I cannot login to gallery using the Google 5 toolbar if I use the gallery login form. But I can login to wordpress and use gallery via the WPG2 sidebar login so it must be interaction betweenIE7, the google beta toolbar and G2. Ignoring Murphy as a magistrate, this could be occurring with other products or browsers too.
When I do login to WPG2 my permissions are not correct so this also needs to be forwarded / checked in WPG2. I can see private albums but not their contents. Removing the toolbar corrects the login issue but messed up my cached images. We may not need the big guns (tcpdump) after all.
Being a bit presumptuous, there must be an issue with the cookie being supplied at login. Either it's expiring too soon or it's incorrect in some other way because it effect WPG2 (access permissions) as well. This is really a nasty bug, especially for the devout IE7 / google toolbar user
Latest SVN does not seem to have the same problem which means the Nightly Build will probably contain a correction.
Before you go updating your installation, test this version first and report here if you have trouble loggin in with the Google Beta 5 toolbar installed:
User: gallery2
Pass: gallery
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2008-09-15 16:14
Thanks! I guess we have enough information for now. Good to see a consistent picture.
- Please ignore WPG2, it's a whole different application, dominated by WP. Let's ignore WPG2 in this discussion.
- I guess there was something else in play when you tested the latest SVN snapshot. is the latest SVN snapshot (from yesterday) and the above 3 users could reproduce the issue consistently. We haven't changed anything related in SVN since that snapshot.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2008-09-15 18:56
Thanks all. The Google Toolbar team helped us identifying the actual problem.
It's a bug in G2, what else?
Thanks! I guess we have enough information for now. Good to see a consistent picture.
- Please ignore WPG2, it's a whole different application, dominated by WP. Let's ignore WPG2 in this discussion.
- I guess there was something else in play when you tested the latest SVN snapshot. is the latest SVN snapshot (from yesterday) and the above 3 users could reproduce the issue consistently. We haven't changed anything related in SVN since that snapshot.
I didn't see a user login for your link so I can't test it.
Curiouser and curiouser..., very odd since it failed to validate through the unmentioned plugin as well.
Is this a cookie issue? A session issue (OK I cheated)
Even more curiouser, I used IE7 exclusively on vacation last month. The guest computers at Snowbird are restored every night to toss guests pictures and whatnot but every morning somebody installed a new version of both Yahoo and Google toolbars and I never had an issue.
The Google Toolbar team helped us identifying the actual problem.
Nice! I think it's neat when a big company like that can so willing to quickly assist. And thanks to the G2 developers as well, naturally. This has been my first need to post an issue and I've been happy with G2 and the helpful users as well. I'm a short timer in the Gallery world, moving up frm creating my own static HTML from well over 1,000 photos.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2008-09-16 13:57
I think it's neat when a big company like that can so willing to quickly assist.
I think it helps when members of the team are in the same building or campus as the 'big company'.
Just a quick note, I'm seeing this problem too with a relatively fresh install of XP and IE6 without Google toolbar ever have been installed.
Login works fine from FF2, as well as Chrome.
IE version is 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-215
Gallery install info:
Gallery version = 2.3-RC1 core 1.2.36
API = Core 7.54, Module 3.9, Theme 2.6, Embed 1.4
PHP version = 5.2.6-3 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-3 with Suhosin-Patch mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0
Database = mysql 5.0.51a-12, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = Exif, ImageMagick
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux cronus 2.6.24-1-686 #1 SMP Thu May 8 02:16:39 UTC 2008 i686
Default theme = matrix
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_GB
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 680
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 57425
Rows in GalleryUser table = 14
Rows in GalleryItem table = 57424
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 1835
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
Joined: 2008-09-09
Posts: 85
Posted: Tue, 2008-09-16 15:54
members of the team are in the same building
lol, Indeed!
Uh-oh CaCtus491! I wonder when a fix is applied for the bug described if it will address your problem as well. It looks to me like it's something that would be problematic with other programs in addition to Google Toolbar.
Joined: 2004-11-29
Posts: 58
Posted: Tue, 2008-09-16 16:16
If the request is identified as a search spider request (useragent string
contains string "Google"), then the session code take some measures to
avoid the creation of session ids / to avoid adding session ids to URLs.
To go further, is it possible to implement a feature like Drupal's "Clean URLs"?
Joined: 2008-09-14
Posts: 8
Posted: Sun, 2008-10-05 14:53
I'm having this login issue as well. I use IE7, I don't use any toolbars, Firefix, chrome, or any other addon programs. I wasn't able to get time to upload any pictures for about a week, and when I tried to log on tonight, I was taken right back to the logon page. 3 attempts later, I figured I better do the password recovery, just in case I had it wrong. I changed the password as required, but still can not log in to my gallery 2.
I'm not sure where to find all the info that you want, but here's what I have now...
Windows XP Home
No added on toolbars
PHP 5x
Gallery 2.2.5
I'll appreciate any help that you can give... ;-)
I found my info, it is:
Gallery version 2.2.5
PHP version 5.1
PHPInfo Link (see FAQ):
Webserver (e.g. Apache 1.3.33):
Database (e.g. MySql 5.0.32):
Activated toolkits (e.g. NetPbm, GD):
Operating system Windows xp
Browser Internet Explorer
On my hosting site, it also says;
ASP 1.0
MYSQL 4.0.27
MSSQL 2000
I'm Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe!
Joined: 2007-04-16
Posts: 172
Posted: Sun, 2008-10-05 17:06
jayel2k wrote:
I'm having this login issue as well. I use IE7, I don't use any toolbars, Firefix, chrome, or any other addon programs.
Gallery version 2.2.5
PHP version 5.1
I'm Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe!
No such thing as a Parallel Universe. The "Universe" is actually a "Super Galaxy" and there are no parallels to reality, being all encompassing.
I believe it was determined that there is a bug in the Gallery2 login code. See notes earlier in this thread.
To correct the issue you need to upgrade to 2.2.6 or 2.3 RC-2, both of which apparently contain a fix for the login issue. Having performed the 2.3 upgrade several times I think you'll find 2.3 to be both more efficient and more feature rich. It runs much faster on my system. So far there have been no major bugs reported with 2.3 that I'm aware of. You can also do a minor upgrade to 2.2.6 to correct the login issue and a few others if you wish. 2.2.6 is a security update. I don't believe it contains any new features.
Thanks for the info. I downloaded the update to my computer, and spent the next several hours trying to figure out how to get it on the webhosts server. I'm computer & web savvy, but the hosting stuff is new & strange to me. When I first installed Gallery 2.2.5, the web host installed it for me. I just had to answer a couple of questions, and it was done. I was going to just install the newer version, but my host doesn't show that version.
Does that help?
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Joined: 2008-06-29
Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 2008-10-06 04:19
I had the exact same issue, if any one installed Google Toolbar 2.5 beta, it causes a problem with IE. I uninstalled Google Toolbar 2.5 and installed 2.4 and the issue was resolved.
Thanks for the info. I downloaded the update to my computer, and spent the next several hours trying to figure out how to get it on the webhosts server. I'm computer & web savvy, but the hosting stuff is new & strange to me. When I first installed Gallery 2.2.5, the web host installed it for me. I just had to answer a couple of questions, and it was done. I was going to just install the newer version, but my host doesn't show that version.
Any suggestions as to how I should proceed?
Disable the rewrite module
Make a copy of your current /gallery2/config.php file (FTP to your local computer is recommended)
Download and unpack a copy of the current 2.3 archive
Upload the contents of the unpacked archive, overwriting all files
Upload the backup copy of your config.php file, overwriting the old one if it exists (precautionary)
Navigate to your gallery url and run the install (http:.../gallery2/install). It will automatically run upgrade for database and modules that require it
When running the upgrade, keep current configuration values for database and select reuse existing database tables and g2data.
Login and enable rewriter, if it was enabled.
See 2.3 install and upgrade instructions for more information. In rare cases you may need to remove the fantastico installation folder before uploading the upgrade, depending on the system. Just be sure to make a database backup when prompted. The backup is placed in your currently defined g2data directory.
Joined: 2007-10-17
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2008-10-06 17:29
I just installed Gallery 2.2.6 on Vista SP1. With IE7, on the same machine, I cannot login to Gallery. BUT, from my laptop which runs Vista SP1 and IE7, I *CAN* login to Gallery. Like others, I have tried a combination of options in IE7 but still cannot use IE7 on the same machine as Gallery to login. I can view things perfectly but can't login.
This is quite annoying...
Joined: 2007-10-17
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2008-10-06 17:38
Well, re-reading the posts above carefully, I tried uninstalling the Google Toolbar and VOILA! I can now login to Gallery2. This was the Google Toolbar 5 Beta. I uninstalled and re-installed Google Toolbar 4.0.1602.35650 and all is fine.
Hopefully this will help someone else...
Joined: 2008-09-14
Posts: 8
Posted: Tue, 2008-10-07 00:04
I understand most of what you are saying, but I've never done this before. On your list, I'm really not sure what the first item means. Disable the rewrite module? Do I have to login to the Gallery first? If not, what directory do I find it in and how do I disable it?
BTW, if I haven't said so before, I want you to know that I appreciate your input and help.
Wouldn't it be easier to uninstall 2.2.5 and instal 2.6 instead?
I'm Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe!
Joined: 2007-04-16
Posts: 172
Posted: Tue, 2008-10-07 00:53
jayel2k wrote:
I understand most of what you are saying, but I've never done this before. On your list, I'm really not sure what the first item means. Disable the rewrite module? Do I have to login to the Gallery first?
Yes, as admin.
If not, what directory do I find it in and how do I disable it?
it's a module. You login to gallery and look under Site Admin -> Plugins -> URL Rewriter
BTW, if I haven't said so before, I want you to know that I appreciate your input and help.
You are welcome.
Wouldn't it be easier to uninstall 2.2.5 and instal 2.6 instead?
That depends on you. If there is a 2.6 pre installer version that would work just fine. I wasn't aware 2.2.6 had been released as a pre installer yet for fantastico or whatever you use. It's a very recent release.
The URL Rewriter makes the url look better and adds functionality. Note that on some sites the urls are "short" (they have no xxxx.php?blah.blah.blah). Apache has a rewrite module that enables them. Gallery uses that module, if it's available, to make pretty url's.
Here is an example:
Both url's point to the same thing but one looks nicer. If you haven't enabled it don't worry about it.
Be sure and read through the codex at it will help explain basic Gallery2 options and use.
I understand most of what you are saying, but I've never done this before. On your list, I'm really not sure what the first item means. Disable the rewrite module? Do I have to login to the Gallery first?
You said:
trbailey wrote:
Yes, as admin.
Well, there's the answer then. I hope that EVERYONE is paying attention. I can't log onto my Gallery, and they are telling me to log onto the gallery to effect a repair. HUH???
The whole reason for this thread was that I CAN'T LOG ON TO MY GALLERY.
I'll just have to uninstall it and just post my pictures on my website using tables, or lists, or some such thing. I see now that I can be pretty much assured that if I update, or install the newer gallery, there will be more problems down the road.
So, thanks, but no thanks. Gallery does not get any good reviews from me.
Good-Bye gallery.
Joined: 2007-04-16
Posts: 172
Posted: Tue, 2008-10-07 02:54
jayel2k wrote:
I asked:
jayel2k wrote:
I understand most of what you are saying, but I've never done this before. On your list, I'm really not sure what the first item means. Disable the rewrite module? Do I have to login to the Gallery first?
You said:
trbailey wrote:
Yes, as admin.
Well, there's the answer then. I hope that EVERYONE is paying attention. I can't log onto my Gallery, and they are telling me to log onto the gallery to effect a repair. HUH???
The whole reason for this thread was that I CAN'T LOG ON TO MY GALLERY.
I'll just have to uninstall it and just post my pictures on my website using tables, or lists, or some such thing. I see now that I can be pretty much assured that if I update, or install the newer gallery, there will be more problems down the road.
So, thanks, but no thanks. Gallery does not get any good reviews from me.
Good-Bye gallery.
If that's the way you feel. The reality is that Gallery is one of the most stable pieces of FREE software available, regardless of use. I think it's on the same plane as Debian Linux.
None of the issues you relate here are difficult to solve. If you have FTP or MysqlAdmin access you can easily alter the config.php or admin login password.
If you have the password and you can't login as a result of the recently discovered issue, you can use Firefox to login and upgrade.
If you only have a handful of pictures it might not be worth running a full gallery. If, on the other hand, you have hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of images, gallery is really the only sane choice.
If you'll take the time to read through the codex you'll find solutions. As with most secure online software, you can reset the password without logging in using the reset link on the login form.
Finally, if you can't login just uninstall gallery from your host cpanel and upload 2.3, then navigate to the url. It's that simple. Be sure to use your existing config.php, note the "make a copy" instruction above. Hosted sites often use shared databases and very difficult to remember database names and passwords.
Posts: 172
All interested parties:
Regarding IE and login:
Just so ya'll know, this is not specific to Gallery. It has also been an issue in Drupal and more recently in Wordpress. I'm going to collect statistics on versions for a while and see if there is a pattern. If you have this issue it would be helpful for you to post your full IE version number for reference.
See this article on how to correctly identify the IE version Please also include your Windows version; 2000, NT, XP, or Vista. I won't even mess with 95, 98 or ME
Postscript after napping on the issue:

If any of you have an Apache web server that can reproduce the error, whether with Gallery or not, it might be helpful if you can install and run snort to capture and show us more data. Send me private mail here if you can reproduce this error and I'll send you additional information to make it work. Then you can do your broken login thing, zip up the log or dump, send them to me and be satisfied in knowing you've helped society as a whole become a more cohesive group, and Gallery become a better product. Sorry for editing this so much, I'll see if I can make it sticky.
Things you can try:
In the mean time you can download Firefox here, or Firefox portable from Portable.apps as a temporary, or even not-so-temporary solution.
Additional references:
Google: I can't login with IE7, all 57 pages!
Posts: 85
Ok, so much for MY thought process... I just installed G2v224 from scratch, new database, empty data folder etc. Same results, I couldn't log on using IE v7 but had no problem from work with IE v6. So it would appear this is not directly an issue with some difference between v224 and v225. Of course I don't understand changes that might be made to something somewhere during the upgrade process to either v225 or the rc version I tried that might not have been undone. That doesn't sound likely to me, but as I've said before I'm not a guru by any stretch.
Just out out of curiosity, did you try installing v2.3rc1 at any time? And have you used any version of Gallery Remote between the time period when things were working fine for you and when you started having the issue?
Posts: 54
@Gork: I'm still on 2.2.4. I only started using Gallery Remote when the problems showed up. I normally use the XP upload publish (which doesn't work with this problem).
BTW for all, I changed my MTU from 1500 to 1400 (as suggested in one of the Google articles) and that didn't seem to help.
Posts: 85
Well that pretty much blows holes in every last theory I had. (I'm not sure how I thought everything was working fine with IE7 before I upgraded G2 from v224 - I still recall using it fine with v224 on IE7! /sigh) I'll stop trying to mess around with Gallery Remote as a possible problem and will stop considering the possibility that v2.3rc1 caused any lingering problems somehow. If I can come up with any other ideas I'll play around with things and post the results here. I'll keep following the thread as well.
If I can help with trying anything else out do let me know.
Posts: 7
I've solved the problem, at least on two of my machines...
I tried everything, including:
1. Disabling all add-ons
2. Disabling all toolbars
3. Upgrading from 2.2.4 to 2.2.5
4. Removing several MS Updates
5. Used - (Using this worked, letting me login)
After using worked, I used 2 different machines to login to or at least attempt to login to my gallery. I noticed the one without the GoogleT5 in the header information was working and the only other two difference was that InfoPath was 1 on the working machine and 2 on the one that was not. The .Net Frameworks were slightly different but I was/am also throwing into the mess 3 different Operating Systems.
Figuring the Google Toolbar was the easiest to deal with, I removed it from the Windows XP Pro machine first, in other words, uninstalled from Add/Remove Programs in the control panel, restarted the browser and Boom - it worked. I turned over to the Windows 2008 Server machine and did the same thing, uninstalling Google Toolbar. Boom, that worked too.
I've not yet dove into why or what the version differences are between the previous version of the toolbar and the one that auto-updated but for now, it has solved my problem and I can move forward with testing - it may not be a bad idea to see if we can't find something on Google's Groups or start a thread in hopes to get something from Google on potential causes.
Anyhow...I hope that helps some of you!
On a side note, I installed a previous version of the toolbar and it worked as well, so evidently it is something with the T5.
Posts: 23
If this helps anyone, I was having the same problem and I tried everything I could find here on how to reset the password and nothing worked. EXCEPT changing browsers. I found that it worked for me after I tried to login via Firefox 2 versus Firefox 3. It could likely be something with the add-ons, as already mentioned, but I wasn't willing to keep shutting off/on my installed F3 add-ons, so I just keep F2 installed and use it whenever I need to do admin work. I can note that add-on's or not, I experienced other problems in other applications using F3 when it first came out, and this was when I used no add-ons - so there also the possibility that there's something in the F3 code that doesn't agree with G2.
Holy crap, I nearly had a heart attack when I couldn't get in after trying everything I could find in these forums... good luck.
Posts: 85
Thanks mbmarquart... I had actually thought about uninstalling Google Toolbar just to see what would happen but figured that was somehow taken care of when I started IE with no addons etc enabled. But, apparently not. I had the same results as you - I completely uninstalled Google Toolbar using the add/remove programs applet in WinXP and was able to log on to Gallery2 with no problems.
I wasn't even aware there had been an update to toolbar - I have to admit I'm very bad and don't keep track of what it's doing like I do most other programs. Probably the WORST company to trust, eh?
Now I want to know WHY Google Toolbar is causing this problem, but as you say that sounds like something Google needs to figure out if they want to continue to glean their all important data from us Gallery2/IE users.
Posts: 54
Holy crap I can't believe it was the stupid toolbar all this time!!! Ugh! I uninstalled and also have no problems logging in anymore! strange...
Okay, so I uninstalled Google Toolbar v5BETA and installed Toolbar v4 and I AM able to login. So it's the stupid beta...ugh...if you want the previous version, go here:
Can someone else confirm that they ARE having the problem with v5 and are NOT having the problem with v4?
Posts: 7
I'm with you GravityArc, v4 works as well as v3 does too. So all things point towards v5 Beta - hopefully it is something the fix prior to the official release. I'm going to do a little dabbling in v4 to see if there is something that auto-updates as well as see if something in v5 handles cookies and browser information differently. I would expect this from a Microsoft Live toolbar or a Hotbar or something...but NOT a Google Toolbar.
Posts: 27300
Thanks for the great detective work guys!
Perhaps somebody can update the issue in the toolbar forums:
I think if they get more data they will be able to fix faster.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 85
Confirmed. I uninstalled Google Toolbar beta v5 and installed v4 and, still using IE7, the problem with failing to be able to log into Gallery2 went away.
I posted a little something in that toolbar forum thread you linked, complete with a typo and everything! (I can't figure out how to edit the message to fix it.) Anyway, I probably could have been a bit more thorough with my post though so if someone else wants to step up to the plate as well it might help a bit more.
(And thank GOD I can edit my posts here...)
EDIT: (lol)
The "broken" version of Toolbar beta I was using:
Version: 5.0.2000.5344-big/en (GGLL)
Notifier Version: 4.1.509.5470
The version I "downgraded" to:
Version: 4.0.1602.35650-big/en (GPTB)
Posts: 85
Back, and with bad news...
I rebooted and the issue came back. I had Google Toolbar completely uninstalled on one computer and had uninstalled v5 and reinstalled v4 of the Google Toolbar on the other before rebooting. Both computers won't let me log back in to Gallery2 after rebooting them.
I got tired of the whole thing and after rebooting installed FireFox v3.0.1. I have never used FF before, but was unable to log in to Gallery2 even with FF either. I rebooted and tried again with FF, no go. Same deal after installing Safari.
Posts: 7
.Gork, interested in your scenario of the problem resurfacing after rebooting, I went through what you just did, uninstalling/reinstalling and rebooting and currently have v4 installed and am able to get in using IE7?
Posts: 85
Well, I just came back to add a "disregard post" to my last post, though I'm still a bit confused about what's going on over here - some kind of a bug somewhere within the apps that work together to make Gallery2 work... But I'm not smart enough to figure it out and I'm giving up.
(It seems more like a 'bug' in Gallery2 that came up when I tried to do too many things too quickly within the software.)
I ran into several errors trying to upload a large movie file to my Gallery2 site and ended up with a re-produceable error I couldn't get around without a full new install of Gallery2 (using my same database and data folder). I can't really say where the problem occurred 'cuz I was trying so many different things to try to upload the large file, including updating the php config file and trying most of the options available in the Gallery2 interface. I guess I confused something by trying too many options to upload the file!
After installing Gallery2 afresh everything works fine, using Google Toolbar v4.x on both systems even after rebooting. Of course, my themes and what have you in Gallery2 are all reset, but it's a small price to pay for feeling like perhaps things are working again. So I'm back to being in agreement with regard to Google Toolbar v5beta causing the issue.
Now I have FF, Safari and IE installed on my VMware system. lol
Posts: 172
See the "edit" link at the bottom of the page you just wrote? Just after you save it.
"blink, blink..." As long as you are logged in as the same person who wrote it you can edit it for a few days. I don't know how long before it locks them but it seems like it's about 7 days.
I just edited this post to include this line
Posts: 85
fwiw... I'm sitting on a different computer at work today and noticed that I couldn't log in to my Gallery2 page. This is on IE6 with Google Toolbar v5beta installed. I "downgraded" Google Toolbar to v4 and it works fine.
I was referring to my post on the Google forum and I couldn't find an edit button anywhere. I actually ended up deleting the post and re-writing it.
Posts: 32509
Gork, GravityArc, mbmarquart:
We're trying to reproduce this issue and it would be great to get more detailed information from you.
- Which exact G2 version are you using?
- Which G2 theme are you using?
- Can you reproduce the problem with the below mentioned Gallery 2 installation?
Please try it without Google toolbar installed, with toolbar in version 4 and with the beta of version 5. Does it work in all cases? In which cases doesn't it work?
username: tester
password: logintest
Thank you!
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 27300
OS Info:
IE version:
Steps to reproduce:
1. IE no toolbar works fine
2. IE, download version 4 of the toolbar, login, works fine
3. Logout
4. download toolbar V5 (IE is requested to restart) so I restart IE.
5. attempt to log in; can't login
6. Uninstall google toolbar from; control panel add remove programes.
6a. Toolbar in IE disappears ( no restart )
7. Still can't login
8. Restart IE and I can log in
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 54
Gallery version = 2.2.4 core
PHP version = 5.2.0 cgi
Webserver = Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 mod_gzip/ mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.28 OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP-CGI/0.1b
Database = mysql 4.1.22-standard-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = Exif, NetPBM, Thumbnail, LinkItemToolkit, ImageMagick, ArchiveUpload
Acceleration = none/3600, none/3600
Operating system = Linux 2.6.9-67.0.22.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jul 23 17:30:51 EDT 2008 i686
Default theme = matrix
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 107
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 9582
Rows in GalleryUser table = 104
Rows in GalleryItem table = 9577
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 258
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
Default theme = matrix
No Google Toolbar: Everything Works
Google Toolbar v4.0.1602.35650-big/en (GPTB): Everything Works
Google Toolbar v5.0.2000.5344-big/en (GGLL): Cannot login
Windows Info: Windows XP Professional v2002 Service Pack 3
Internet Explorer Info: 7.0.5730.11
Let me know if you need any more info (client-side tcpdump, etc).
Posts: 85
Aye. I have reproduced the problem on a machine at work running IE6 on WinXP SP3, a machine running on IE7 on WinXP SP3 at home and on a VMware virtual machine running WinXP SP3 with IE7.
The following is the information from my actual computer at home. This is the one which runs Gallery2 on IIS, and my main test platform from IE with this issue as well. The information comes from MY installation of Gallery2:
Gallery version = 2.2.5 core
PHP version = 5.2.6 isapi
Webserver = Microsoft-IIS/5.1
Database = mysqli 5.0.51b-community-nt, lock.system=database
Toolkits = Exif, LinkItemToolkit, Thumbnail, Gd
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Windows NT 5.1 build 2600 (WinXP SP3)
Default theme = matrix
gettext = disabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648)
I was able to get MY Gallery2 installation to work properly on all three platforms with no Google Toolbar installed. I was able to get Gallery2 to work properly on all three platforms with Google Toolbar v4 installed. Gallery2 would not work on any of the three platforms with Google Toolbar v5beta installed.
Using the link you provided for testing purposes on my IE7 WinXP VMware installation:
No Google Toolbar: Works fine
Installed Google Toolbar v5.0.2000.5344, restarted IE: Unable to log in
Uninstalled Google Toolbar v5.x via the add/remove programs option in the control panel. Restarted IE and was again able to log on to the test site (GTB not installed at this point).
Installed Google Toolbar v4.0.1602.35650, restarted IE7: No problem logging in to the test site.
If I forgot to post any information you asked for please let me know. (I'm a 911 operator and was interrupted about 1,384 times while trying to post this. lol)
Posts: 7
Greetings Again,
Gallery2 Maintenance Information (Running in Google Chrome):
Get system details; useful for copy/paste into G2 support forum.
Last Run Details:
Gallery version = 2.2.5 core
PHP version = 4.4.9 cgi
Webserver = Apache/1.3.34 Ben-SSL/1.55
Database = mysqlt 5.0.67-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Getid3, LinkItemToolkit, NetPBM, Thumbnail, Gd, ImageMagick
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux infong 2.4 #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 22:34:10 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
Default theme = siriux
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 46
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 478
Rows in GalleryUser table = 5
Rows in GalleryItem table = 472
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 13
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
Gallery2 Maintenance Information (Running in IE7):
Last Run Details:
Gallery version = 2.2.5 core
PHP version = 4.4.9 cgi
Webserver = Apache/1.3.34 Ben-SSL/1.55
Database = mysqlt 5.0.67-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Getid3, LinkItemToolkit, NetPBM, Thumbnail, Gd, ImageMagick
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux infong 2.4 #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 22:34:10 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
Default theme = siriux
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.2)
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 46
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 478
Rows in GalleryUser table = 5
Rows in GalleryItem table = 472
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 13
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
Theme Information: Same Results with Matrix, Siriux and Modified Siriux
With Google Toolbar v4 - Everything works normal (making sure the Google Updater does not automatically update the bar to v5)
With Google Toolbar v5 - Unable to login in IE7, entering username and password just returns you to the enter username and password page with empty fields.
With NO Google Toolbar - Everything works normal
Worth mentioning, as I posted above the maintenance information from inside of Chrome, it's funny that it works okay in Chrome, presumably implementing similar technology and programming as the v5 Toolbar does but installation and use of the v5 Toolbar in IE wreaks havoc.
Posts: 172
Duplicated here on RC-1 as well.
Interesting difference though. I cannot login to gallery using the Google 5 toolbar if I use the gallery login form. But I can login to wordpress and use gallery via the WPG2 sidebar login so it must be interaction betweenIE7, the google beta toolbar and G2. Ignoring Murphy as a magistrate, this could be occurring with other products or browsers too.
When I do login to WPG2 my permissions are not correct so this also needs to be forwarded / checked in WPG2. I can see private albums but not their contents. Removing the toolbar corrects the login issue but messed up my cached images. We may not need the big guns (tcpdump) after all.
Being a bit presumptuous, there must be an issue with the cookie being supplied at login. Either it's expiring too soon or it's incorrect in some other way because it effect WPG2 (access permissions) as well. This is really a nasty bug, especially for the devout IE7 / google toolbar user
Latest SVN does not seem to have the same problem which means the Nightly Build will probably contain a correction.
Before you go updating your installation, test this version first and report here if you have trouble loggin in with the Google Beta 5 toolbar installed:
User: gallery2
Pass: gallery
Posts: 32509
Thanks! I guess we have enough information for now. Good to see a consistent picture.
- Please ignore WPG2, it's a whole different application, dominated by WP. Let's ignore WPG2 in this discussion.
- I guess there was something else in play when you tested the latest SVN snapshot. is the latest SVN snapshot (from yesterday) and the above 3 users could reproduce the issue consistently. We haven't changed anything related in SVN since that snapshot.
Posts: 32509
Thanks all. The Google Toolbar team helped us identifying the actual problem.
It's a bug in G2, what else?
I've filed a bug:
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 172
I didn't see a user login for your link so I can't test it.
Curiouser and curiouser..., very odd since it failed to validate through the unmentioned plugin as well.
Is this a cookie issue? A session issue (OK I cheated)
Even more curiouser, I used IE7 exclusively on vacation last month. The guest computers at Snowbird are restored every night to toss guests pictures and whatnot but every morning somebody installed a new version of both Yahoo and Google toolbars and I never had an issue.
Posts: 85
Nice! I think it's neat when a big company like that can so willing to quickly assist. And thanks to the G2 developers as well, naturally. This has been my first need to post an issue and I've been happy with G2 and the helpful users as well. I'm a short timer in the Gallery world, moving up frm creating my own static HTML from well over 1,000 photos.
Posts: 27300
I think it helps when members of the team are in the same building or campus as the 'big company'.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 19
Just a quick note, I'm seeing this problem too with a relatively fresh install of XP and IE6 without Google toolbar ever have been installed.
Login works fine from FF2, as well as Chrome.
IE version is 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-215
Gallery install info:
Gallery version = 2.3-RC1 core 1.2.36
API = Core 7.54, Module 3.9, Theme 2.6, Embed 1.4
PHP version = 5.2.6-3 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-3 with Suhosin-Patch mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0
Database = mysql 5.0.51a-12, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = Exif, ImageMagick
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux cronus 2.6.24-1-686 #1 SMP Thu May 8 02:16:39 UTC 2008 i686
Default theme = matrix
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_GB
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 680
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 57425
Rows in GalleryUser table = 14
Rows in GalleryItem table = 57424
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 1835
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
Posts: 85
lol, Indeed!
Uh-oh CaCtus491! I wonder when a fix is applied for the bug described if it will address your problem as well. It looks to me like it's something that would be problematic with other programs in addition to Google Toolbar.
Posts: 58
To go further, is it possible to implement a feature like Drupal's "Clean URLs"?
Posts: 8
I'm having this login issue as well. I use IE7, I don't use any toolbars, Firefix, chrome, or any other addon programs. I wasn't able to get time to upload any pictures for about a week, and when I tried to log on tonight, I was taken right back to the logon page. 3 attempts later, I figured I better do the password recovery, just in case I had it wrong. I changed the password as required, but still can not log in to my gallery 2.
I'm not sure where to find all the info that you want, but here's what I have now...
Windows XP Home
No added on toolbars
PHP 5x
Gallery 2.2.5
I'll appreciate any help that you can give... ;-)
I found my info, it is:
Gallery version 2.2.5
PHP version 5.1
PHPInfo Link (see FAQ):
Webserver (e.g. Apache 1.3.33):
Database (e.g. MySql 5.0.32):
Activated toolkits (e.g. NetPbm, GD):
Operating system Windows xp
Browser Internet Explorer
On my hosting site, it also says;
ASP 1.0
MYSQL 4.0.27
MSSQL 2000
I'm Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe!
Posts: 172
No such thing as a Parallel Universe. The "Universe" is actually a "Super Galaxy" and there are no parallels to reality, being all encompassing.

I believe it was determined that there is a bug in the Gallery2 login code. See notes earlier in this thread.
To correct the issue you need to upgrade to 2.2.6 or 2.3 RC-2, both of which apparently contain a fix for the login issue. Having performed the 2.3 upgrade several times I think you'll find 2.3 to be both more efficient and more feature rich. It runs much faster on my system. So far there have been no major bugs reported with 2.3 that I'm aware of. You can also do a minor upgrade to 2.2.6 to correct the login issue and a few others if you wish. 2.2.6 is a security update. I don't believe it contains any new features.
Posts: 8
Thanks for the info. I downloaded the update to my computer, and spent the next several hours trying to figure out how to get it on the webhosts server. I'm computer & web savvy, but the hosting stuff is new & strange to me. When I first installed Gallery 2.2.5, the web host installed it for me. I just had to answer a couple of questions, and it was done. I was going to just install the newer version, but my host doesn't show that version.
Any suggestions as to how I should proceed?
Posts: 16504
FAQ: How to upgrade Gallery2?
Does that help?
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Posts: 25
I had the exact same issue, if any one installed Google Toolbar 2.5 beta, it causes a problem with IE. I uninstalled Google Toolbar 2.5 and installed 2.4 and the issue was resolved.
Posts: 172
See 2.3 install and upgrade instructions for more information. In rare cases you may need to remove the fantastico installation folder before uploading the upgrade, depending on the system. Just be sure to make a database backup when prompted. The backup is placed in your currently defined g2data directory.
Posts: 6
I just installed Gallery 2.2.6 on Vista SP1. With IE7, on the same machine, I cannot login to Gallery. BUT, from my laptop which runs Vista SP1 and IE7, I *CAN* login to Gallery. Like others, I have tried a combination of options in IE7 but still cannot use IE7 on the same machine as Gallery to login. I can view things perfectly but can't login.
This is quite annoying...
Posts: 6
Well, re-reading the posts above carefully, I tried uninstalling the Google Toolbar and VOILA! I can now login to Gallery2. This was the Google Toolbar 5 Beta. I uninstalled and re-installed Google Toolbar 4.0.1602.35650 and all is fine.
Hopefully this will help someone else...
Posts: 8
I understand most of what you are saying, but I've never done this before. On your list, I'm really not sure what the first item means. Disable the rewrite module? Do I have to login to the Gallery first? If not, what directory do I find it in and how do I disable it?
BTW, if I haven't said so before, I want you to know that I appreciate your input and help.
Wouldn't it be easier to uninstall 2.2.5 and instal 2.6 instead?
I'm Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe!
Posts: 172
Yes, as admin.
it's a module. You login to gallery and look under Site Admin -> Plugins -> URL Rewriter
You are welcome.
That depends on you. If there is a 2.6 pre installer version that would work just fine. I wasn't aware 2.2.6 had been released as a pre installer yet for fantastico or whatever you use. It's a very recent release.
The URL Rewriter makes the url look better and adds functionality. Note that on some sites the urls are "short" (they have no xxxx.php?blah.blah.blah). Apache has a rewrite module that enables them. Gallery uses that module, if it's available, to make pretty url's.
Here is an example:
Both url's point to the same thing but one looks nicer. If you haven't enabled it don't worry about it.
Be sure and read through the codex at it will help explain basic Gallery2 options and use.
Posts: 8
I asked:
You said:
Well, there's the answer then. I hope that EVERYONE is paying attention. I can't log onto my Gallery, and they are telling me to log onto the gallery to effect a repair. HUH???
The whole reason for this thread was that I CAN'T LOG ON TO MY GALLERY.
I'll just have to uninstall it and just post my pictures on my website using tables, or lists, or some such thing. I see now that I can be pretty much assured that if I update, or install the newer gallery, there will be more problems down the road.
So, thanks, but no thanks. Gallery does not get any good reviews from me.
Good-Bye gallery.
Posts: 172
If that's the way you feel. The reality is that Gallery is one of the most stable pieces of FREE software available, regardless of use. I think it's on the same plane as Debian Linux.
None of the issues you relate here are difficult to solve. If you have FTP or MysqlAdmin access you can easily alter the config.php or admin login password.
If you have the password and you can't login as a result of the recently discovered issue, you can use Firefox to login and upgrade.
If you only have a handful of pictures it might not be worth running a full gallery. If, on the other hand, you have hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of images, gallery is really the only sane choice.
If you'll take the time to read through the codex you'll find solutions. As with most secure online software, you can reset the password without logging in using the reset link on the login form.
Finally, if you can't login just uninstall gallery from your host cpanel and upload 2.3, then navigate to the url. It's that simple. Be sure to use your existing config.php, note the "make a copy" instruction above. Hosted sites often use shared databases and very difficult to remember database names and passwords.