access to certain albums


Joined: 2007-07-16
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2008-07-07 03:19

let me try to explain what I want to do- When you go to my gallery I have a album named portfolio that I want any guest to be able to view and I have several albums of different weddings that I want only the bride of the actual wedding to view. I understand to make the brides login to see their own album but how can I make it so all guests can see the thumbnails of the wedding albums but not see the actual photos.

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2008-07-07 04:14

You need to give view permissions to the item you want to show to all and then set permissions on all other items in the album so only the bride can see.

"look but don't touch" isn't available yet. that would be a feature request.


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