Unable to put the display correct


Joined: 2008-07-03
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2008-07-03 04:43

I have added adsense to my matrix theme. But i couldnt make the display work correctly. The rows and columns architecture of the items are altered as shown. i want to show it in the strict 3*3 fashion with 8 items per page. and adsense block in the middle.

I have swaped this

function getPageSize($params) {
if (!empty($params['rows']) && !empty($params['columns'])) {
return $params['rows'] * $params['columns'];

if (!empty($params['perPage'])) {
return $params['perPage'];

return 0;

and checked...as here .. http://wiki.version6.net/matrixad

But swaping causes my site not to open at all ... it shows a blank page.

Could anyone suggest me what to change ???
