Center tags aren't working, show in final page


Joined: 2008-07-02
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2008-07-02 17:24

My URL is

It's in the middle of the page -- this is the image that's failed to center -- [img][/img]

Why didn't it work? These tags are pretty much a universal standard, last time I checked, and I'm not sure what wasn't done right, so why didn't it work, and moreover, why is it showing in the finished product?

I've removed the tags now until I can get someone to help me figure out how to get them working again without them embarassingly showing in the final version.

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2008-07-02 19:37

Is this a WPG2 issue? Is this a G2image chooser issue?
What 3rd party module is it you are having trouble with?

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