New server have a bug, help please


Joined: 2006-07-18
Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 2008-06-02 08:06


I used this server about half year, and all was ok. But from now i lost possibilities to upload and link Custom thumbnails for my video files. Thumbs files are guranteed ok, i use them before many times, and on this server too.

I selecting
Custom Thumbnail
Upload a JPEG image to use as the thumbnail for this item.
Image does not need to be thumbnail size; it will be resized as needed.

and after it i see
Changes saved successfully without result, i see default thumbnail.
I attach 2 pages of Debug info, please, help me if you can.
Thank you!

Debug_1page.txt13.08 KB
Debug_2page.txt25.83 KB