Aperture, frontend photo contribution, paying online


Joined: 2008-05-27
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2008-05-27 22:04

I am starting a photography business in which I take photos of children during the summer holiday camps in ireland. I would like to be able to showcase the photos in a password-protected area of my joomla site. Is this possible with Gallery 2?

I use Apple Aperture to manage all my photos and was wondering if any interface existed between the two?

I would also like to be able to load photos from the front-end of the website ( I have a few photographers working for me and need it make it simple for them to upload) Is that possible with Gallery2?

Is it a separate module that needs to be installed to make the gallery into a shop? So parents, grandparents can login and order prints? Their orders would come to me in the form of an email.

Is there a way to link to paypal? Creditcard service? Does anyone know which service to use in Ireland?

Does anyone have a good example of a functioning on-line photo shop?

Many many thanks!


Joined: 2008-05-27
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2008-05-27 23:19

I'm new to Gallery today and I have the same questions as above.

"Is it a separate module that needs to be installed to make the gallery into a shop? So parents, grandparents can login and order prints? Their orders would come to me in the form of an email."

I want to upload all my picture and have the customer pick their favourites who I then work with in photoshop.