audio annotation, restricting photo viewing by photo size, multi-media slide show


Joined: 2008-05-10
Posts: 28
Posted: Sat, 2008-05-10 02:09


I am new here, and am selecting some photo gallery software to install. I looked through the FAQ and feature comparison guide, but did not find the answers to my questions.

Can anyone tell me if gallery has the following embedded or third party features?

Thanks in adavance -- I appreciate it.

a) The ability to have voice annotations, so that when a user clicks a photo, the audio begins to play. I see there is an MP3 plugin, but could not find additional info. I'd really like to find a way to make this work, without having to learn a new coding language!

b) Ability to restrict users without accounts from viewing full size photos or particular movies... --or-- restricting users without accounts from accessing files greater than a certain size.

c) Though I have a technical background working with ERP's, don't know a whole lot about web coding and site setup. I would like to be able to put together slideshows from trips that contain: i) photos ii) mini-movies iii) 2+ audio tracks that can be toggled on/off (narration and music). Ideally, it could also be burned to a DVD. Does gallery have any sort of functionality that would support this type of a multi-media presentation? If not, any recommendations? I have no idea where to go for this one.