Settings not saved


Joined: 2005-07-06
Posts: 63
Posted: Thu, 2008-04-24 23:01

I've found these problems since enabling clean URL's and upgrading the Gallery integration module, thought I suspect they could be unrelated.

  • In "URL Rewrite Administration" changing a path from "v/%path%" to "gallery/%path%" like the Gallery integration module suggests wont be saved.
  • Myself or other users (User albums module) can no longer upload photos. Permissions are there but once I click 'Add items' I'm brought back to my galleries home page.

It's important to note that after completing each of these screens (clicking 'Add items' or 'Save') I'm immediately taken right back to my galleries front page, instead of a 'Settings saved' message, and it appears as though nothing has been changed.

I can enable and disable modules.