Gallery on the Data Web


Joined: 2008-04-12
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2008-04-12 06:05

Hi all,

Currently, the extension of the Web towards the Data Web gains momentum. Wouldn't it be nice if Gallery would be part or even an early adopter? This would allow to easier syndicate Gallery content, to mix and mash Gallery content with other structured information or to search more intelligently across several Gallery installations.

We recently released Triplify, a small LGPLed plugin for database backed Web applications (such as Gallery), which publishes structured, relational data on the Web as Linked Data, RDF and JSON. You can find more information about Triplify (and download the latest version) at:

We are also organizing a Linking Open Data Triplification Challenge together with this years I-Semantics conference [1] and the Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee as patron. The challenge awards attractive prizes (MacBook Air, EeePC, iPod) to the most innovative and promising semantifications. A good Gallery semantification from my point of view would have chances to win a prize ;-) But also semantifications of other Web applications are very welcome!

More Information about the challenge can be found at:

I would be very excited if you support this effort - e.g. by spreading the word and/or submitting to the challenge.

Last but not least there is a entry (, where currently €50 are pledged for a phpBB triplification.




Sören Auer, AKSW/Computer Science Dept., University of Leipzig, Skype: soerenauer