Gallery Remote and Watermark


Joined: 2004-02-02
Posts: 92
Posted: Tue, 2008-04-08 11:06

Normaly I use Gallery remote when I'm not at home and fast what to upload some pictures for the people home.
great tool because it resize before upload and you don't have to browse over the internet.

but unformality I see that people abuse my pictures on there own site.
but how can I use the watermark on Gallery2 and the Gallery Remote?

I whan to setup the folder with a watermark at home for exemple, and on location I fast upload some pictures. but even then I must login to the website and browse an aply the watermark..
So pictures I upload with Gallery Remote doesn't show a watermark even if I first set the folder with a watermark.

Thanks in advance


Joined: 2008-08-19
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2008-09-05 18:14

I'm wondering if there is a solution to this as well. Is there any way to get watermarks to automatically get placed on images uploaded using Gallery Remote?
