Hi there,
I have just installed G2.2.4 and imported the "albums" directory from a G1.4.4-pl6 install via G2's Import --> Gallery 1 function. Everything looks fantastic - apart from that there's an item count mismatch.
The G1 install (still running on another host) item count reads:
35 top-level albums (687 total), 12722 images
The G2 install reads:
Size: 35 items (12743 items total)
G2 has 21 extra items!
I'm fairly certain no-one has deleted these items from the G1 install in the three days since I did the import. So I just wanted to ask what the difference was between the counts that G1 does and those that G2 does?
What's the difference between items and images? Is G2 displaying a count for movie files as well? (Even manually counting these from the filesystem: find -type f ! -regextype posix-egrep -regex '.*(jpg|png|gif|dat|lock|bak)', yields: 39 .wmv, avi and .mpeg files - too many to account for the extra 21 items.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this might be happening?
Thanks for reading.
* Urls - intranet only
* G1 version = 1.4.4-pl6
* G1 PHP Memory Limit = Unknown
* G1 PHP version = 4.3.10
* G1 O/S: Linux
* G1 Webserver = Apache 1.x
* G1 Activated toolkits: ImageMagick, NetPBM
* G2 version = 2.2.4
* G2 PHP Memory Limit = 64M
* G2 PHP Version 5.2.5
* G2 Webserver = Apache 1.3.33
* G2 DB = MySQL 4.1.16
* G2 Activated toolkits: Ffmpeg, ImageMagick, NetPBM
* G1 O/S: Linux (FC5)
* Browser = Firefox