Use WPG2 for G2 images in blog without embedding G2 into WP ?


Joined: 2008-03-26
Posts: 32
Posted: Sat, 2008-03-29 02:47

I am looking for a plugin to embed my G2 photos in my blog posts, but I don't want to embed my G2 into Wordpress.

Can I do this with WPG2?


Joined: 2002-10-30
Posts: 3236
Posted: Mon, 2008-03-31 05:14

If you just want to put a photo from G2 into your wordpress, you don't need anything besides G2 and Wordpress.

Just find the image you like in your G2, right click and choose "copy link" or what ever it is called in IE. Go to your wordpress post and do...

<img src="paste your URL here" /></img>

And you are done. (er, I'm not sure if that closing /img is needed or not, i forget :)

The only reason to bother with WPG2 might be to make things a bit easier. Also, even if WPG2 is fully configured and you have a G2 that looks like it is "integrated" into your site... there is no reason anyone has to know about it. You can just point people to your regular old, normal G2 installation. Site integration, who needs it!

WPG2 is really best for integration though, having the same users between wp and g2, making your wp and g2 look like they are a part of the same site, etc.

Does that make sense?
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