Redirection url

buut's picture

Joined: 2003-06-18
Posts: 196
Posted: Sat, 2003-07-05 21:53

I'am just playing around with G2, feels great......

I'am using for testing/playing purpose a 'old' machine.
To access this test server I have porttranslation setup on the firewall.
With this setup the following happens.

On the url Is not(hing) much to do here
on the G2 gallery is active

At the first contact to, the url redirects to

Is this normal behavior or does this need some attention?

Keep up the good work!

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Fri, 2003-07-11 07:18

This is an issue with your Apache configuration. This URL works:

Apache internally redirects if you leave the trailing slash off of URLs that resolve to directories. Usually this problem is fixed by setting the ServerName directive, but in your case you may have to set the default port properly. Either way, you'll have to fix it in your httpd.conf file and it's not Gallery related.

buut's picture

Joined: 2003-06-18
Posts: 196
Posted: Fri, 2003-07-11 21:19

The port translation is setup for testing purpose only,
I can live with the short comming... (for a while)