empty space on the right and squished text
Joined: 2007-10-06
Posts: 7 |
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After installing this plugin, I noticed two things. If anyone could offer some help to how to fix this problem, please do. |
Posts: 27300
your wp theme style.css
The way that you have Gallery embedded in the #content it is limited to 720px;
You can change that but I bet your WP content will be screwed up.
Are you using WPG2?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 7
It is the default settings. I installed it as per the directions.
It is WPG2 yes :P
I tried adjusting the width, but that caused many problems on the blog page.
Posts: 27300
Do you have a cusotm header for WPG2? Style Elements Header under the # WPG2 Output tab of WPG2 configuration.
also this might help:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 7
No on that page I'm using the WPG2 Output via Wordpress Page option.
I'm checking out that link now. Although I'm very much a noob when it comes to CSS and stuff.
Posts: 7
So no one can help with this at all?
Edit: nevermind, that link above ended up helping me afterall. I just had to then adjust the width in the wpg2 plugin in the wp admin area.
Posts: 1378
It is never a matter of wanting to help you, more getting the resources and the time to be able to help you which is something we just do not have.. Glad you got it sorted out.. Maybe you might want to add your tips and tricks to this thread to help others..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 21
First off, thank you floridave and ozgreg for all your hard work. Putting these two largely-incompatable programs together must be daunting.
Second, for those who might come here after me looking for the solution, here's the gist of the page referred to by floridave.
If you go to the WPG2 Output page of the wpg2 plugin in Wordpress, there's a box that says Simple Style Elements Header, with a text box next to it.
In this box, it may say something like this:
<div id="content" class="g2_column">
This means that it's accessing the Content directions from your Wordpress theme's CSS. If you have a right column in your blog, it will make space for it on your Gallery page, because that's what your CSS is telling it to do for Content.
What you can try is removing the "content" part, this will allow WPG2 to use that space without worrying about the column. It should end up like this:
<div id="g2_column">