Gallery Remote 1.5 loses admin password


Joined: 2005-12-29
Posts: 7
Posted: Sat, 2008-03-08 23:09

Gallery version = 2.2.4 core
PHP version = 4.3.10 cgi
mysql version= 4.0.24
Webserver = Apache
In Joomla 1.13
Gallery 2 Bridge 2.0.14 Beta [ Final Straw ] 2 Jan 2007 12:00 CET
JACLPlus - Version 1.0.13
Gallery Remote 1.15b36
Firefox 2.0

I can use Gallery Admin by login in with my normal admin password. However when I use Gallery Remote I get a dialogue saying amongst other things that my password is incorrect. The only way I seem to me able to get it to work is to Recover my admin password in Gallery2. I put in exactly the same password and all is OK.

I have seen similar postings but can't find them anymore and from what I remember none posted a solution.

Anyone got any ideas? Does anyone else get this problem?