[zencart] pre-populating "products_attributes_filename" in zencart database


Joined: 2008-01-11
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2008-03-03 12:29

Hi guys,

I have been working on an integration between Gallery 2.2.3 and zencart 1.3.7

I think that the integration works mostly but one thing I have realised is that to set up the items added through gallery as downloadable products within the Zencart requires going into the zencart admin and entering the location/filename of each item individually using the attributes manager.

I realise that the file name is stored in the zencart database in "products_attributes_filename"

and that the filename of a gallery data item is stored in "g2_FileSystemEntity"

I am just wondering if anybody out there has come up with the necessary code to take the file name of the item when it is uploaded into gallery and write it into the "products_attributes_filename" in the zencart table so that the filenames do not have to be added in manually each time?

I dont have much experience with mysql or PHP and I'm assuming that this is all that would be necessary?

Thanks in advance to anybody who can help...



Joined: 2005-11-04
Posts: 1642
Posted: Tue, 2008-03-04 04:30

A few queries before you expend too much effort:

Are you aware that:
1) Gallery 2 has been updated to Version 2.2.4 and that Zencart has been updated to Version 1.3.8? {http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery2:Modules:zencart}
2) There is a module that integrates Gallery 2.1 to 2.2.4 and Zencart 1.3.8?
3) There is an alternative version that handles downloads directly on the Zencart site?

Gallery version = 2.2.4
Default theme = PGtheme 1.3.0
Web Site: dakanji.com


Joined: 2008-01-11
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2008-03-04 09:58

Hi, and thanks for your reply.

I was aware of the upgrades but when I first started on this project I made the beginners mistake of making changes that may not remain when upgrading.

As I go along I am reverting these changes to use the proper over-ride system and once I am confident I wont lose too much by upgrading it, I will do this -- and yes, I have learned my lesson the hard way :)

I am not sure what you meant by point 3?

Are you aware that:
1) Gallery 2 has been updated to Version 2.2.4 and that Zencart has been updated to Version 1.3.8? {http://codex.gallery2.org/Gallery2:Modules:zencart}
2) There is a module that integrates Gallery 2.1 to 2.2.4 and Zencart 1.3.8?
3) There is an alternative version that handles downloads directly on the Zencart site?

I'll check out the zencart site again but as far as I was aware the module to integrate gallery and zencart is the same from both sources? - UPDATE - OOOOHHHH, IF ONLY I HAD KNOWN ABOUT THIS VERSION WHEN I STARTED!!!

Seriously though, thanks for drawing that to my attention. I am sure I will try and use it in the future. The thing is I have the integration set up as I wanted it, with the gallery interface the primary user interface and the zencart setup the "backend". If I try and use the downloads integration as mentioned above it would appear that it reverses this. Thats going to make things very tricky for integration into the website which has been partially designed around the gallery interface. Does anybody have experience of adding the downloads functionality from the integration version mentioned by Dayo above into an existing gallery2 and Zencart integration? As I mentioned in my original post - downloads work fine with my set up but you have the pain of having to enter the filename of the file to be downloaded for each item that is for sale in the ZenCart attributes manager. This inconvenience is all I'm trying to get around.


Joined: 2005-11-04
Posts: 1642
Posted: Tue, 2008-03-04 17:01

You can prepare the zip files, name them by, say, the product id and then upload them to the ZC downloads folder. It is then possible to write a script to that will loop through the items in that folder, get the names, then search through the database and add update the relevant places for items with the same id.

That however is not a G2 issue and is pure php / mysql stuff and if you don't know how tackle it, you may want to consider hiring someone to write it for you. Alternatively, you can start swotting up on online tutorials :-)

Gallery version = 2.2.4
Default theme = PGtheme 1.3.0
Web Site: dakanji.com