where should /wp-gallery2.php be?


Joined: 2008-03-02
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2008-03-03 04:00

i have done some more hunting and i have found that a few people have fixed their problems by moving the wp-gallery2.php page. i thought this might be worth looking into and i have found that i do not have one. in one of the wikis it says "link to wp-gallery2.php in the wpg2header.php (if you have created your own) or what you have configured your embedded page name to be." i don't remember setting up an embed page and i don't see wp-gallery2.php. i am wondering if this is why my wpg2 page and my gallery2 page do not look anything alike and why none of my changes seem to effect wpg2.

any thoughts?


Joined: 2008-03-02
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2008-03-03 21:12

ok i got it working...

apparently wpg2 3.0 works nothing like the previous versions. there is no more wp-gallery2.php. most everything you need to do is in the WPG2 section in WP. i ended up keeping the simple header and changing out the .g2... class call and inserting classes that were already in my WP theme. it did break my sidebar though (which again is below my content) so i ended up creating a wpg2footer.php and copied everything from sidebar.php and added it to the beginning of the wpg2footer. oh and i had to add a 2 more div close tags.

now if i can figure out how to get lightbox working... i'm currently running Siriux theme on gallery2 how do i know if its lightbox aware?

ozgreg's picture

Joined: 2003-10-18
Posts: 1378
Posted: Mon, 2008-03-03 21:46

Yep WPG2 3.0 has a few changes under the hood.. To answer your Q, I do not believe Siriux is not lightbox aware, PGTheme (Lightbox) is and So is the WordpressEmbedded theme

Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo


Joined: 2005-03-18
Posts: 62
Posted: Tue, 2008-03-04 06:18

ozgreg is correct, Sirux (The theme I use) is not lightbox capable out of the box, but can be modified to work with lightbox or slimbox. If you do a search for lightbox and sirux you will find plenty of reading to keep you busy... :)
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Developer
My Site: http://www.marcnjami.com/