Prevent users to change image size


Joined: 2008-02-13
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2008-02-13 13:50


I've installed Gallery for the first time and I'm having a problem.

How can I prevent users to change the settings for the image size? I configured the root album with max size of 250k and 800x800, but any user can change this setting in their own albuns. How do I prevent that?

The gallery is embebed in SMF.



Gallery version (not just "2"):2.2.4 core
PHP version (e.g. 5.1.6):4.4.7-0.dotdeb.1 apache2handler
PHPInfo Link (see FAQ):
Webserver (e.g. Apache 1.3.33):Apache/2
Database (e.g. MySql 5.0.32):mysqlt 5.0.45-Dotdeb_0.dotdeb.1, lock.system=flock
Activated toolkits (e.g. NetPbm, GD):Exif, Getid3, LinkItemToolkit, Thumbnail, Gd, Dcraw, Ffmpeg, ImageMagick, NetPBM, SquareThumb
Operating system (e.g. Linux):Linux 2.6.18-s028047.1
Browser (e.g. Firefox 2.0):Firefox 2.0