Drupal, FCKEditor, ang G2Image can't get the icon to work


Joined: 2005-08-18
Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 2008-01-19 05:35

Hi Folks,

I have a Druapal site 5.x, running gallery 2.2.2, g2image 3.0.2 FCKeditor 2.5.1. Tiny MCE was filtering was giving me fits so I'm trying to get FCKeditor working instead.

FCKeditor is working, but I can't get the last piece of trying to get the g2image tool onto the tool bar to happen.

I have edited (both now)
fckeditor.config.js in the drupal module directory
fckconfig in modules/fckeditor/fckeditor
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'g2image' ) ;
and with both in to the FCKConfig.ToolbarSets

I have stuck the g2image directory into almost every plugin directory I can find :p. I have gone back over each readme doc a bunch of times but I can't figure out where the miss fire is happening the dam button just won't show up for me.

Any help before I go bald pulling out my hair would be appreciated.
It seems like it should just be
install module fckeditor, install fckeditore guts into module subfolder for them, copy the g2image into the module plugin and edit the fckeditor. No go.

Also the g2image config screen in gallery only shows disable, standalone or MCE but I kind of though that was not relevant regardless if your sticking it in the editor via the config file.


Joined: 2006-01-24
Posts: 492
Posted: Wed, 2008-02-06 14:01

Sorry for the delay. Life has gotten in the way of coding the past month. I'm trying to get back up to speed on the boards this week.

The g2image directory should be placed in the fckeditor plugins directory. My development testbed crashed, and I haven't rebuilt my Drupal testbed, so I can't easily lookup the directory, but it's the plugin directory buried in the fckeditor directory structure.

On the G2Image wiki, I wrote to "Edit fckeditor.config.js, which is located in modules/fckeditor/". I had it working that way, but like I said, I can't test it right now.

You're correct that the g2image config screen in the Drupal Gallery module is irrelevant for a FCKEditor installation.

Let me know if you're still having a problem. I'll try to get my Drupal testbed back up over the next week.

G2Image Documentation, G2Image Demo Page, My Family Website