I have a question:
Is it possible to have the code delete the original (just uploaded) image after resizing into .resized.jpg and .thumb.jpg?
I am looking to save server space, and want to avoid storing 700K+ original images when they are not used (I removed the feature to click on the resized image to view the fullsize image).
What I am considering is finding a spot in the code just after the upload/resize process where I can insert a command to delete the original file (gotta research how to do that too). I am curious if anyone has ever looked into this, or if this is even possible and still keep the integrity of the gallery system. I would expect that choosing to resize the image would use the fullsize to build it again, though I would need to dig through the code to verify this, but I am not concerned since I will not be resizing the images again.
Any input is greatly appreciated!
Thanks. :grin: