ANNOUNCE: ÜberUpload for Aperture


Joined: 2006-10-20
Posts: 32
Posted: Fri, 2008-01-04 04:22

Übermind, Inc. has just released ÜberUpload for Aperture, the newest in a long line of award winning export plug-ins for Aperture. This plug-in streamlines the process of uploading photos to a variety of remote servers.

Gallery and Aperture users now have yet another option to get their photos from Aperture uploaded into their Gallery galleries - via FTP / SFTP. It is trivial to setup a bookmark to your remote gallery (server must be running FTP/SFTP), use the plug-in to upload your photographs to it, and then use the gallery interface to import the photos into the gallery itself.

More details about the ÜberUpload for Aperture plug-in can be found here:

We also still have our free Aperture to Gallery plug-in, a new turbo charged version of which will be released in the coming months.


The Übermind Team