I am assuming that I am using this WPG2 plugin since it was the latest download.
I cannot get the mod_rewrite to work. I have tried everything. In the Wordpress menu in the WPG2 tab it validates but the Rewrite status is off, and if the Rewrite was activated previously in Gallery2 admin, it deactivates it. When I go to the Gallery2 Rewrites tab it says the plugin cannot be remotely activated and to do so from the Gallery2 admin panel. And there it is, a big loop.
Any ideas. And the thing is is I only want to skin my Gallery2 to my Wordpress theme. And then I would also like to have a random pic on my sidebar in my Wordpress theme.
Posts: 1378
If I am getting your post right, you can fully activate the G2 rewrites, remember this is usually two steps in Gallery2? Can you post a screenprint of the error, generally remote rewrite activation failures are because Gallery2 is rejecting the activation request because it cannot fully activate the plugin.
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 6
Is a screenprint really necessary. All the errors are in wordpress admin panel and I can copy those verbatim if it helps. I don't know if the G2 rewrite is working, though when I test it it says 'SUCCESS' though there is a warning that says, "The current status may not be accurate, you have forced the test to pass."
Posts: 6
Okay I got it working.
Posts: 7
Taiwantroll, I've got exactly the same problem as you described.
Could you please post your solution so that others can benefit from it? ;)
Thanks in advance,
Posts: 6
I had to give the Gallery2 directory override rights. I added this line to the httpd.conf file. I could do that since I am using wampserver but I don't know how you would do that on a server host.
<Directory /full/path/to/gallery2>
AllowOverride FileInfo Options
Posts: 7
Hm, I got mine working by increasing the allowed memory size significantly. I thought 16M-20M would be sufficient, but now I've configured it to be 32M. Quite insane, when you think about it. But hey, it works like a charm! Now it's just a matter of deinstalling plugins and themes I don't actually use... and then I'll have a Wordpress/Gallery2/phpBB3 integrated system. :D
For all of you wondering how I upped the available memory, simply add "php_value memory_limit 32M" (without quotes) to the top of your .htaccess file. Oh, and a tip: read the FAQ. *ahem*