Theme incompatibility


Joined: 2007-12-15
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2007-12-15 06:39

I'm not sure if it's the Wordpress theme or the plugin itself. My current system I'm using is:

Wordpress: 2.3.1
WPG2: 3.0.2
Gallery 2: 2.2.3
Theme: Royale 1.4 (

Royale theme has fluid width so it's distorting the interface and its CSS is more complicated than some Wordpress themes. How do I fix it? Has anyone tried this plugin with Royale 1.4? The thumbnails output looks funny. I tried to use custom header but it didn't work so I'm missing something here.


ozgreg's picture

Joined: 2003-10-18
Posts: 1378
Posted: Sun, 2007-12-16 01:26

Unfortunately you are going to need a CSS designer toi give you a bit of a hand. Try the tip and tricks thread which is stickied and grab the FireBug / CSS Designer plugins in Firefox to help you out..

You are on the right track, you need to setup a custom WPG2 Header to get this theme to work. Most likely you also need to use a cut down stylesheet as well..

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