Telnet & file permissions (rights)


Joined: 2002-09-09
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2002-09-11 21:14

im almost done setting up my gallery, and i need to chmod .htaccess to 644.

when i first uploaded it (using ws_ftp), i uploaded it as g.htaccess, becaue i cannot see it in my ftp prog if it doenst have anyting before the period. so i gave it the 777 chmod so that i could do set up. i then renamed it .htaccess. so i did set up, and when i was done, i thought i could use telnet to go change it back to 644 permissions that way.
someone told me that Unix's way of having a file be a hidden file is to not give it a name before the dot, right? so anyway...

however, i cant get to my site from telnet, i cant even ping the ip for it! although the index shows, and the gallery setup shows, so its not like its not up. ive tried using the IP addy for Host Name in telnet, and,,, etc, everything i could think of and it could not connect at all.
anyone know a way i can see hidden files in WS FTP? Can anyone tell me a correct way to log in to me website using Telnet (and if ya can tell me that, what is the command to change directories so i can navigate to the gallery folder?)
any ideas?

thanks for any help, ja!

- brandon


Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 487
Posted: Thu, 2002-09-12 10:36

You're site is refusing telnet connections, so you're out of luck there.
I'm not sure about the ws_ftp issue, I can see them fine under the newest
version (registered). Check the help files for ws ftp I guess.

You can also try dos telnet.

TheWatcher's picture

Joined: 2002-08-21
Posts: 120
Posted: Fri, 2002-09-13 07:20

I'm using ws_ftp, I don't have the option to show hidden files. My only option to chmod is to connect via SSH.

Regarding telnet tool, most ISP's don't allow them to use telnet port because of vulnerability.

To answer your question regarding how to use telnet:
-open dos prompt
-telnet 23 [enter]

It will ask for username and password, done.


Joined: 2002-09-27
Posts: 13
Posted: Fri, 2002-09-27 07:55

In WS-FTP Pro there is a text box on the right side under the ChgDir and MkDir buttons. If you enter -al in there (parameters to ls command), the hidden files will show up.

I think that was there for the regular version of ws_ftp also?