Need a Gallery2 Coder to make plugin dealing with permissions


Joined: 2007-11-01
Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 2007-11-04 23:45

I am using Gallery2 as a picture sharing site for my family members. My family does a lot of travel, so there are albums such as "Europe" and "Canada". For each one of these galleries, my family members have all permissions. Friends that went on the trips with us only have view permissions. Unregistered visitors don't see anything. It is important to note that my family members (those who create albums and upload pictures) are not admins on the site.

When one of my family members creates a new album, they e-mail me and I (As the admin) create a new user group an add all the friends that went on that trip to the new group. Then my family member adds a "view" permission for that group to the album. I'm trying to make it such that my family members can do all this by themselves. Here is what I was thinking.

On the album properties page, where the current user/groups permission section is now, would be a table. All the users registered on the sight would be rows, and all the possible permissions would be columns. Then to change permissions for the album, the owner of the album can just put a check mark in the corresponding cell at the intersection of a user's row and a permission's column.

If you can create a plugin that will do that ^ or something similar, I am willing to pay. Contact me if you think you can do this, and we will work out a payment plan.