anyone else having problems getting gallery2 from CVS? I blew out my old install of gallery 2 and started new. (logged in as root on a RHAT 7.3 box). Here is the error I am getting:
cvs -z3 co gallery2
cvs server: Updating gallery2
cvs server: Updating gallery2/layouts
cvs server: failed to create lock directory for `/cvsroot/gallery/gallery2/layouts' (/cvsroot/gallery/gallery2/layouts/#
cvs.lock): Permission denied
cvs server: failed to obtain dir lock in repository `/cvsroot/gallery/gallery2/layouts'
cvs [server aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
Posts: 9
Getting something similar:
What gives?
Posts: 9
I am told that this happens sometimes when a check in doesn't work correctly, and the project admin needs to delete the #cvs.lock file.
Posts: 487
Bharat is doing a massive re-organization of the G2 CVS, try again in
a day or two.