Looking for experiences with using Gallery 2 for maintaining media data of a museum


Joined: 2007-10-25
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2007-10-29 13:43

Hi, we are currently evaluating whether Gallery 2 can be used for maintaining all media data (e.g., pictures, audio, video, flash animations) of a special museum in Germany. Besides storing those data, we also need to have a good metadata handling including the problem of copyright handling and the maintenance of master-child relationships.
Optionally, it would be perfect to have a possibility to be able to open an application from within Gallery 2 to edit a media data (e.g. a picture) and then to store it back to the data base....

Gallery 2 has been our favorite. However, we need to convince the museum team that this would be a trustable choice which would serve all needs. So, my question is, is there anybody out there who has had experiences with using Gallery in this application field? For example, a museum which uses Gallery for maintaining its media data including copyright handling etc. would be perfect!

Thank you very much in advance for your answer! JM