Joomla Gallery Integration


Joined: 2006-12-28
Posts: 21
Posted: Sat, 2007-10-27 12:40


I can see a Joomla integration being developed in SVN:

Is this a working version can I try this with Joomla 2.0.13 + Gallery 2.2.3 ?

I am glad that this project has now being taken up by Gallery 2 team.

Gallery version = 2.2.3 core
PHP version = 4.3.11 apache
Webserver = Apache
Database = mysqlt 5.0.41-community-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Ffmpeg, Getid3, LinkItemToolkit, NetPBM, Thumbnail, Gd, SquareThumb
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux #1 Mon Jan 29 08:25:57 CST 2007 i686
Default theme = x_treme
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071008 Firefox/
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 19
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 138
Rows in GalleryUser table = 5
Rows in GalleryItem table = 137
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 11
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0